International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2006, Vol. 2(2) 9-21

Can Progressive Education Be Translated into a Progressive Idea?: Dewey's Report on Turkish Education (1924)

Yasemin Alptekin

pp. 9 - 21   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2006.005

Published online: June 01, 2006  |   Number of Views: 493  |  Number of Download: 788


John Dewey, who visited Turkey in 1924, prepared a report on Turkish Education in which he emphasized the importance of progressive education. The report was translated into Turkish. However, the translated version does not transform the idea of ‘progressive education,’ and the concept of ‘progressive’ education has hardly been discussed as a philosophical approach in Turkish education system, instead remained to be a term that has been interpreted with different corresponding words in Turkish at different times. This paper focuses on the discrepancy between the English and Turkish versions of the term “progressive” as a philosophy of education, and the implications Dewey’s report created in teacher education along with non-progressive practices in the field of education in Turkey.


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APA 6th edition
Alptekin, Y. (2006). Can Progressive Education Be Translated into a Progressive Idea?: Dewey's Report on Turkish Education (1924). International Journal of Progressive Education, 2(2), 9-21.

Alptekin, Y. (2006). Can Progressive Education Be Translated into a Progressive Idea?: Dewey's Report on Turkish Education (1924). International Journal of Progressive Education, 2(2), pp. 9-21.

Chicago 16th edition
Alptekin, Yasemin (2006). "Can Progressive Education Be Translated into a Progressive Idea?: Dewey's Report on Turkish Education (1924)". International Journal of Progressive Education 2 (2):9-21.

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