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International Journal of Progressive Education 2006, Vol. 2(2) 43-61

The Future of Whole Language

Carol Gilles

pp. 43 - 61

Publish Date: June 01, 2006  |   Single/Total View: 278/777   |   Single/Total Download: 360/1.837


Whole language is a dynamic and generative philosophy of education that started as a grass roots teacher movement. Throughout its history it has been lauded worldwide as well as being attacked. This article explores whole language through two lenses. First it examines the history of whole language through the eyes of someone who participated in the grass-roots movement. Secondly, the future of whole language is examined through the voices of whole language and literacy leaders. Their answers to questions about whole language's fit with progressive education, its greatest accomplishment and its future direction offer support and encouragement for progressive, holistic educators around the world.

Keywords: -

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APA 7th edition
Gilles, C. (2006). The Future of Whole Language. International Journal of Progressive Education, 2(2), 43-61.

Gilles, C. (2006). The Future of Whole Language. International Journal of Progressive Education, 2(2), pp. 43-61.

Chicago 16th edition
Gilles, Carol (2006). "The Future of Whole Language". International Journal of Progressive Education 2 (2):43-61.

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