Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2006, Vol. 2(2) 62-65
Nihat Kahveci
pp. 62 - 65 | Manu. Number: ijpe.2006.008
Published online: June 01, 2006 | Number of Views: 218 | Number of Download: 786
How is history used? What are the ways history is used? In this book review, Nihat Kahveci analyzes how Bernard Lewis’s History: Remembered, Recovered, Invented seeks the answers to these important questions. Lewis states in the preface that the historian sometimes “needs to leave his period, his area, and his topic, and take a boarder look at the nature of his vocation and discipline”. The book is such reflection on nature of historical knowledge and discipline of history. Organizing different examples of historical events, the book takes a broad look at the discipline of history.
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