International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2006, Vol. 2(3) 65-77

Remaking Critical Pedagogy: Peter McLaren’s Contribution to a Collective Work

Gregory Martin

pp. 65 - 77   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2006.012

Published online: October 01, 2006  |   Number of Views: 296  |  Number of Download: 793


This article explores the collective works of Peter McLaren and his contribution to critical pedagogy within the field of education and beyond the academy. To understand how McLaren’s work took a radical turn in the 1990s, the article traces the historical development of his praxis. In particular, McLaren’s engagement with the postmodern Left and his response to developments in British educational Marxism are highlighted in this paper. Bringing Marxism, class analysis and politics back into the heart of education, McLaren has situated himself at the forefront of remaking critical pedagogy as a material force for social change. The resulting fusion has provoked a storm of controversy amongst the educational Left. Beyond this, however, has been the influence of critical pedagogy in social spheres beyond the university and academia, including the mass workers movement.

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APA 6th edition
Martin, G. (2006). Remaking Critical Pedagogy: Peter McLaren’s Contribution to a Collective Work. International Journal of Progressive Education, 2(3), 65-77.

Martin, G. (2006). Remaking Critical Pedagogy: Peter McLaren’s Contribution to a Collective Work. International Journal of Progressive Education, 2(3), pp. 65-77.

Chicago 16th edition
Martin, Gregory (2006). "Remaking Critical Pedagogy: Peter McLaren’s Contribution to a Collective Work". International Journal of Progressive Education 2 (3):65-77.

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