International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2016, Vol. 12(1) 73-89

Metacognition in Real Life Situations and Study Skills and Habits: Two Types of Processes

Yasser A. Al-Hilawani

pp. 73 - 89   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2016.019

Published online: February 01, 2016  |   Number of Views: 469  |  Number of Download: 942


The relationship between metacognition in real life situations and study skills and habits was examined using a sample of college students. Results showed no significant relationship between these two variables nor was there a significant relationship between study skills and reaction time as measured on the metacognitive test. However, there was a positive significant correlation between study skills, and high school and college GPA's; a significant negative relationship between high school GPA and reaction time; and a positive significant correlation between high school GPA and metacognitive test scores calculated based on reaction time. High school GPA was significantly related to study skills and to the relationship between study skills and academic performance as opposed to college GPA. The importance of college GPA as a significant predictor of study skills depends on whether or not students grades were assigned objectively without manipulation or inflation.

Keywords: Metacognition, Reaction Time, Study Skills and Habits, College Students, GPA

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APA 6th edition
Al-Hilawani, Y.A. (2016). Metacognition in Real Life Situations and Study Skills and Habits: Two Types of Processes. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(1), 73-89.

Al-Hilawani, Y. (2016). Metacognition in Real Life Situations and Study Skills and Habits: Two Types of Processes. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(1), pp. 73-89.

Chicago 16th edition
Al-Hilawani, Yasser A. (2016). "Metacognition in Real Life Situations and Study Skills and Habits: Two Types of Processes". International Journal of Progressive Education 12 (1):73-89.

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