International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2015, Vol. 11(2) 14-28

A Critical Look at the EFL Education and the Challenges Faced by Iranian Teachers in the Educational System

Parvin Safari & Nasser Rashidi

pp. 14 - 28   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2015.015

Published online: June 15, 2015  |   Number of Views: 119  |  Number of Download: 378


The ultimate aim of any EFL program is to promote long life language development in learners and prepare them for the language use in real life communicative situations. However, many educational systems all over the globe might not achieve this end. Actually, a number of factors within or beyond any system can influence the success or the failure of the language curriculum. In the case of the educational system of Iran, a critical look reveals the fact that despite a great amount of investment  and expenses on the part of the government for so long, it is yet unable to generate proficient learners. Keeping this issue in mind, the researcher as the teacher educator teaching in an in-service class held through the Education Organization of Yazd, Iran could uncover the teachers' views and perceptions accordingly. Using currere and collaborative dialogue, the researcher in this qualitative study  attempted to explore the challenges faced by teachers in addition to the potential factors leading to the current failures of the language curriculum in the system. The insightful findings of this study can be of great assistance to policy makers, textbook writers, and teacher educators to take critical actions towards the betterment and fruitfulness of the EFL program in our education system.

Keywords: language development, language curriculum, currere, collaborative dialogue

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APA 6th edition
Safari, P. & Rashidi, N. (2015). A Critical Look at the EFL Education and the Challenges Faced by Iranian Teachers in the Educational System . International Journal of Progressive Education, 11(2), 14-28.

Safari, P. and Rashidi, N. (2015). A Critical Look at the EFL Education and the Challenges Faced by Iranian Teachers in the Educational System . International Journal of Progressive Education, 11(2), pp. 14-28.

Chicago 16th edition
Safari, Parvin and Nasser Rashidi (2015). "A Critical Look at the EFL Education and the Challenges Faced by Iranian Teachers in the Educational System ". International Journal of Progressive Education 11 (2):14-28.

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