Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2015, Vol. 11(1) 41-58
pp. 41 - 58
Publish Date: February 15, 2015 | Single/Total View: 95/475 | Single/Total Download: 153/821
In this study we analyze Dewey's writings and related literature in order to explain and utilize his ethical principle of regard for one's self, others and social groups. His reflections about consequences, the common good, accountability and responsibility undergo scrutiny too. Moreover, we probe his understanding of affections, interest and action to elucidate their interconnectedness with ethical reasoning and moral development. Our reflective paradigm, constructed from Dewey's thoughts, serves as an analytic tool to assist in the examination of a problematic ethical situation and to demonstrate its usefulness for educators and others. The conclusions reached include the claim that Dewey's principle of regard for people is a central feature of his reasoning process and encompasses a web of auxiliary principles which focus on raising questions about having regard for specific elements of life in particular contexts.
Keywords: John Dewey; Schools and Ethics; Educational Leadership; Ethical Science; Ethical Reasoning; Reflections, Affections and Actions
APA 7th edition
Simpson, D.J., & Sacken, D.M. (2015). The Ethical Principle of Regard for People: Using Dewey’s Ideas in Schools. International Journal of Progressive Education, 11(1), 41-58.
Simpson, D. and Sacken, D. (2015). The Ethical Principle of Regard for People: Using Dewey’s Ideas in Schools. International Journal of Progressive Education, 11(1), pp. 41-58.
Chicago 16th edition
Simpson, Douglas J. and D. Mike Sacken (2015). "The Ethical Principle of Regard for People: Using Dewey’s Ideas in Schools". International Journal of Progressive Education 11 (1):41-58.