Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2017, Vol. 13(2) 133-142
Cynthia Lindquist
pp. 133 - 142 | Manu. Number: ijpe.2017.019
Published online: June 01, 2017 | Number of Views: 456 | Number of Download: 1081
As a country seeking admission to the European Union, this paper explores educational reforms in Turkey that enhance its possible entry into the European Union and changes still needed for it to be an equal partner. An overview of the school system in Turkey is provided including information on teacher training and preparation, special education policy, and post high school participation. Its educational system still faces significant hurdles and must address human rights issues in order to provide equal access and nondiscriminatory education for all. While strides have been made to improve educational opportunities, inequality is still a reality for many females and those of lower socio-economic status. Higher education opportunities continue to improve with infrastructure problems competing to keep pace with the number of facilities available. Turkey continues to address these educational concerns while progressing toward the goal of improving its status as a European Union candidate.
Keywords: Turkey, European Union, educational reform, teacher preparation, special education, post high school participation
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