International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2014, Vol. 10(2) 56-72

Multimodalities, Neuroenhancement, and Literacy Learning

Joseph Sanacore, & Joseph Piro

pp. 56 - 72   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2014.051

Published online: June 15, 2014  |   Number of Views: 60  |  Number of Download: 445


In the United States, children are in front of the “screen” about six hours a day, and because schools are a microcosm of society, educators need to incorporate more screen-oriented activities into the literacy program. Transmediation, based in social semiotics, promotes collaborative conversations, which nurture positive translations from one sign system to another, for example, from print to the Internet or from print to dance. In support of this pedagogy, related theory and research are presented as well as strategies and activities for engaging students in multimodal learning while demonstrating potential neuroenhancing effects.

Keywords: social semiotics, transmediation, sign systems, multimodality, pantextual meaning, neuroenhancement

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APA 6th edition
Sanacore, J. & Piro, J. (2014). Multimodalities, Neuroenhancement, and Literacy Learning . International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(2), 56-72.

Sanacore, J. and Piro, J. (2014). Multimodalities, Neuroenhancement, and Literacy Learning . International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(2), pp. 56-72.

Chicago 16th edition
Sanacore, Joseph and Joseph Piro (2014). "Multimodalities, Neuroenhancement, and Literacy Learning ". International Journal of Progressive Education 10 (2):56-72.

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