International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2012, Vol. 8(2) 122-136

Recruiting, Retaining, and Fairly Compensating Our Teachers

Matthew Lynch

pp. 122 - 136   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2012.057

Published online: June 15, 2012  |   Number of Views: 87  |  Number of Download: 404


This article examines three interlinked problems facing public schools today: how to recruit, retain, and pay our teachers. The article begins with an overview of the  current situation in the United States, paying particular attention to schools in areas where minorities are the majority. It goes on to examine some of the causes of teacher attrition, with a special section on charter schools, which have a unique set of problems. Finally, it looks at the effects of in-school policies such as teacher pre- service and in-service programs, and then discusses several successful programs around the country, including the TAP model and the Missouri Career Ladder.

Keywords: Recruitment, retainment, fair compensation, teacher pre-service and in- service programs

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Lynch, M. (2012). Recruiting, Retaining, and Fairly Compensating Our Teachers . International Journal of Progressive Education, 8(2), 122-136.

Lynch, M. (2012). Recruiting, Retaining, and Fairly Compensating Our Teachers . International Journal of Progressive Education, 8(2), pp. 122-136.

Chicago 16th edition
Lynch, Matthew (2012). "Recruiting, Retaining, and Fairly Compensating Our Teachers ". International Journal of Progressive Education 8 (2):122-136.

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