International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2011, Vol. 7(3) 27-39

Being an Exchange Student in Turkey: Adaptation to a New   Culture

Mehmet Ali Icbay, & Ercan Kocayoruk

pp. 27 - 39   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2012.061

Published online: October 15, 2012  |   Number of Views: 148  |  Number of Download: 459


Late adolescence is a critical period of development during which individuals  experience crucial changes in their social lives. Several developmental tasks appear during this transition to be accomplished by the late adolescents in order to achieve adulthood and to develop healthy psychological and social functioning. A significant task in this developmental stage is developing the ability to adapt to a  new  environment. This ability includes the processes of  how  the  late  adolescents effectively integrate themselves to a new culture, how they become efficient members  of this new culture, and how they make sense of the elements in the new  culture. In order to explore the adaptation ability, this study aimed at describing what sorts of experiences that exchange students had while they pursued some of their studies  abroad. The participants were 50 undergraduate and graduate students who were attending two higher education institutions in Turkey. They were predominantly from three different regions: (a) European Union, (b) North America, and (c) Other  (Australia and Ukraine). There were three main data sources: Focus group meetings  were held approximately twice in a month in three rounds. The first round was done with 22 students in Ankara during October-December 2008. The second one was done with 7 students in Canakkale during December 2009 and January 2010, and the third round with 21 students in Canakkale during October-December 2010. In addition to    the interviews, the participants were also asked to note down their adaptation experiences. The participants were also asked to complete a short survey after they returned to their countries. The results basically showed that the adaptation to a new culture was modifying the clashing elements between host culture and native culture   and modifying those elements according to the rules in the host   culture.

Keywords: Adolescents, Adaptation, Content Analysis, Exchange Students

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Icbay, M.A. & Kocayoruk, E. (2011). Being an Exchange Student in Turkey: Adaptation to a New   Culture . International Journal of Progressive Education, 7(3), 27-39.

Icbay, M. and Kocayoruk, E. (2011). Being an Exchange Student in Turkey: Adaptation to a New   Culture . International Journal of Progressive Education, 7(3), pp. 27-39.

Chicago 16th edition
Icbay, Mehmet Ali and Ercan Kocayoruk (2011). "Being an Exchange Student in Turkey: Adaptation to a New   Culture ". International Journal of Progressive Education 7 (3):27-39.

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