Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2010, Vol. 6(2) 27-47

A Qualitative Investigation of Adult Imprudent   Behaviour

Ayse Aypay

pp. 27 - 47

Publish Date: June 15, 2010  |   Number of Views: 405  |  Number of Download: 639


Imprudent behavior, indolence, dilatoriness, being unable to predict the result of behavior, perceiving probable harm far less than its magnitude based upon cognitive distortion, and suchlike are some reasons that lead individuals to indulge in risky behaviors without taking precautionary measures and to look for simple and easy solutions which do not require a radical change in habitual behaviors.   The goal of     this study is to evaluate adults’ tendency to behave prudently/imprudently, their awareness of their behavioral tendency, their observations and ideas of social and environmental responses to their behavioral tendencies, and  to  explore  the  reasons why they behave prudently/imprudently. Data were collected through in-depth interviews in late spring 2006. The results were analyzed using a descriptive methodology. The sample of the study consisted of 25 individuals including doctors, nurses, teachers and firemen. Findings indicate  that imprudent  behavior is  the  result  of a cultural aspect in Turkish society; some variables of which may cause adult imprudent behavior.

Keywords: Imprudent behavior, behavioral tendency

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APA 7th edition
Aypay, A. (2010). A Qualitative Investigation of Adult Imprudent   Behaviour. International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(2), 27-47.

Aypay, A. (2010). A Qualitative Investigation of Adult Imprudent   Behaviour. International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(2), pp. 27-47.

Chicago 16th edition
Aypay, Ayse (2010). "A Qualitative Investigation of Adult Imprudent   Behaviour". International Journal of Progressive Education 6 (2):27-47.

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