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International Journal of Progressive Education 2007, Vol. 3(3) 42-64

A plea for a mentoring framework that promotes dialogic professional learning in the ELT teacher education context

Jeylan Wolyie Hussein

pp. 42 - 64

Publish Date: October 15, 2007  |   Single/Total View: 119/427   |   Single/Total Download: 160/683


The paper emerged out of my own and my colleagues' growing discontent with the traditional, ill-organized and unproductive way of evaluating the one-month-teaching practice of student teachers of English Language Teaching (ELT) at Haramaya University. It advances the argument that student teacher evaluation systems should be restructured to represent the voices and experiences of the student teachers. Towards this end, I proposed a mentoring framework that potentially encourages student teachers to become critical practitioners. The model I propose emphasizes the professional agency of the student teacher. The paper holds the position that to transform their views of teaching and learning, student teachers as well as their trainers should be empowered to seek justice and emancipation from the traditional model of evaluation. Finally, it attempts to leave readers with the impression that if we prefer our zone of comfort at the expense of our student teachers' growth, we must know that we are jeopardizing the fate of teacher education.


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APA 7th edition
Hussein, J.W. (2007). A plea for a mentoring  framework that  promotes  dialogic  professional learning in the ELT teacher education  context. International Journal of Progressive Education, 3(3), 42-64.

Hussein, J. (2007). A plea for a mentoring  framework that  promotes  dialogic  professional learning in the ELT teacher education  context. International Journal of Progressive Education, 3(3), pp. 42-64.

Chicago 16th edition
Hussein, Jeylan Wolyie (2007). "A plea for a mentoring  framework that  promotes  dialogic  professional learning in the ELT teacher education  context". International Journal of Progressive Education 3 (3):42-64.

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