Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2024, Vol. 20(5) 24-37

Shareholding Between Teacher`s Agency and Habit of Mind in Inquıry Physics Lessons During Pandemic

Siti Hajar Ramzan & Nor Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman

pp. 24 - 37   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2024.1063.3

Publish Date: October 01, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 20/73   |   Single/Total Download: 25/79


Teacher agency includes the ability of teachers to make meaningful decisions, take action, and influence in their professional fields. This qualitative study seeks to understand the relationship between teachers' habits of mind and their teacher agency by examining the nuances and issues that contribute to teacher agency within an inquiry physics lesson. Using qualitative heuristic study methods, data was collected through a retrospective verbal report and an in-depth interview with 8 physics teachers. Through interpretative phenomenological analysis, pattern and themes were identified that explain the experiences, perceptions and behaviours that support teacher agency. The findings suggest that teacher agency is a multi-faceted phenomenon that involves personal beliefs, institutional structure, professional development and collaborative opportunities. This study described teacher professional agency in four dimensions that are; being professional competence in the productive steps of inquiry lessons, inquiry pedagogy as a sign to create sense of professional purpose to maintain inquiry learning, updating teaching material and resources to maintain inquiry learning with the changes of educational system, and coping with the transformation of educational system. These dimensions elucidating the issues and factors that foster or hinder teacher agency, shedding light on the complexities and nuances inherent in this construct. This study supports teacher learning within the context of inquiry teaching and learning, empowering and supporting teacher professional development in inquiry teaching and learning. These understanding has important implications for educational policies and professional development initiatives, as well as school leadership.

Keywords: Habit of mind, agency, inquiry, physics, teacher

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Ramzan, S.H., & Rahman, N.F.A. (2024). Shareholding Between Teacher`s Agency and Habit of Mind in Inquıry Physics Lessons During Pandemic. International Journal of Progressive Education, 20(5), 24-37. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2024.1063.3

Ramzan, S. and Rahman, N. (2024). Shareholding Between Teacher`s Agency and Habit of Mind in Inquıry Physics Lessons During Pandemic. International Journal of Progressive Education, 20(5), pp. 24-37.

Chicago 16th edition
Ramzan, Siti Hajar and Nor Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman (2024). "Shareholding Between Teacher`s Agency and Habit of Mind in Inquıry Physics Lessons During Pandemic". International Journal of Progressive Education 20 (5):24-37. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2024.1063.3

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