International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2005, Vol. 1(2) 9-30

A Comparative Approach Directed to The Assessment and Evaluation Studies in The Geography Course Books Taught at The Secondary Education in Turkey

Yaşar OKAN

pp. 9 - 30   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2005.006

Published online: June 01, 2005  |   Number of Views: 290  |  Number of Download: 761


This study analyses the assessment and evaluation studies comparatively in the geography course books of the secondary education taught in Turkey. In this sense, after the assesment and evaluation studies which are taken place in the geography course books have been dealt both in respect of quantity and quality, the questions are classified according to the mental fieldphases. In addition to this, after the subject matters to be taken into consideration in the written and verbal assessment and evaluation studies that the gegraphy teachers have realized in the classroom have been stated, the suggestions concerning the assessment and evaluation sufficiencies that should be included in the geography course books have been put in order.

Keywords: Secondary Education, Geography Course, Target Behaviours, Measurement and Evaluation.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
OKAN, Y. (2005). A Comparative Approach Directed to The Assessment and Evaluation Studies in The Geography Course Books Taught at The Secondary Education in Turkey. International Journal of Progressive Education, 1(2), 9-30.

OKAN, Y. (2005). A Comparative Approach Directed to The Assessment and Evaluation Studies in The Geography Course Books Taught at The Secondary Education in Turkey. International Journal of Progressive Education, 1(2), pp. 9-30.

Chicago 16th edition
OKAN, Yasar (2005). "A Comparative Approach Directed to The Assessment and Evaluation Studies in The Geography Course Books Taught at The Secondary Education in Turkey". International Journal of Progressive Education 1 (2):9-30.

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