Volume 1 Issue 2 (June 2005)
Original Articles A Comparative Approach Directed to The Assessment and Evaluation Studies in The Geography Course Books Taught at The Secondary Education in Turkey

Yaşar OKAN

pp. 9 - 30


This study analyses the assessment and evaluation studies comparatively in the geography course books of the secondary education taught in Turkey. In this sense, after the assesment and evaluation studies which are taken place in the geography course books have been dealt both in respect of quantity and quality, the questions are classified according to the mental fieldphases. In addition to this, after the subject matters to be taken into consideration in the written and verbal assessment and evaluation studies that the gegraphy teachers have realized in the classroom have been stated, the suggestions concerning the assessment and evaluation sufficiencies that should be included in the geography course books have been put in order.

Keywords: Secondary Education, Geography Course, Target Behaviours, Measurement and Evaluation.

Original Articles Improving Attendance and Punctuality Of FE Basic Skill Students Through an Innovative Scheme

Gordon O. Ade-Ojo

pp. 31 - 48


This paper reports the findings of a study set up to establish the impact of a particular scheme on the attendance and punctuality performance of a group of Basic Skills learners against the backdrop of various theoretical postulations on managing undesirable behavior.

Data collected on learners' performance was subjected to statistical analysis through the use of the SPSS analytical toolkit in order to establish the T-value, probability value and significance, as well as the confidence level of intervals. Findings from statistical analysis were then subjected to a process of corroboration through a focus group discussion with subjects in the study.

Based on the findings, the study concludes that the scheme has a significant impact on some aspects of the learners' performance and advocates the introduction of novel ways, in the context of mixed approaches towards eradicating undesirable behaviors among young learners.


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Original Articles Rethinking Progressivism and the Crisis of Liberal Humanism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Education for Democratic Citizenship

Emery J. Hyslop-Margison & Theresa Richardson

pp. 49 - 58


In this paper, we examine the current siege on progressivism in light of these dual tendencies from both an historical and contemporary perspective. We defend the democratic objectives of progressive education from various contemporary attacks that view student-centered learning as academically inefficacious. With the assistance of Dewey's arguments, w e argue that public schools should produce students prepared to assume their democratic citizenship responsibilities by pursuing the liberal humanistic strand of progressive education. We believe that progressive education approaches that emphasize student centered learning and conjoint decision-making afford an indispensable element to achieve that critically important objective.

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Original Articles McLaren, P. & Farahmandpur, R. (2005). Teaching against Global Capitalism and the New Imperialism: A Critical Pedagogy. Lanham, Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Junrui Chang & Changyong Yang

pp. 59 - 64


We have four reasons for agreeing to review this book. First, we have long been interested in Critical Pedagogy, a field in which Peter Mclaren is among the outstanding authors. In 1999, one of the reviewers, Changyong Yang, researched Critical Pedagogy in his dissertation On the Evolvement of the New Sociology of Education. This work is now published in Chinese as The New Sociology of Education: Its Continuous and Rupture History. (Yang, C., 2004) Secondly, as a visiting professor in the Center for East Asia and Pacific Studies in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Yang’s research project is Sociology of Education: A Postmodern Practice and Its Theory in America. So Peter Mclaren and Ramin Farahmandpur’s (2005) book Teaching against Global Capitalism and the New Imperialism falls with our scope of research. Thirdly, Junrui Chang, a young scholar and a doctoral candidate, is now trying to apply the theory and method of Critical Pedagogy to do her research on art curriculum in Chinese rural society. Fourthly, as educational researchers in China, we are very much interested in Peter McLaren and his coauthor Ramin Farahmandpur’s effort on a socialist pedagogy that follows Marxism. We are glad to accept the new book for review.

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