Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Ethiopian College of Teacher Education Program: A Tension between Selection, Curriculum and Professional Development
Eyasu Gemechu & Zinab Aba-Oli pp. 1 - 11 | DOI: Abstract The purpose of the study is to identify the major issues and challenges in Ethiopian college of teacher education program with respect to selection of prospective candidates, curriculum development and continuous professional development. Qualitative data gathered from literature was analyzed and interpreted. The data were collected based on the relevance to the context and recent developments of the topic under investigation. Besides, document analysis method was adopted to assess the selection procedures, content of the teacher education curriculum and obtain relevant information. The findings of the review indicated that the major contextual challenges of teacher education program in Ethiopia were admission of low quality candidates, low quality curriculum and lack of relevant continuous professional development program in college of teacher education. Moreover, the teacher education curriculum was not aligned with primary school curriculum, and curriculum was not in TPAKC integrated manner. Finally, based on the analysis of the results, the researchers forwarded possible recommendations and way out that could help to bridge the gap. Keywords: Teacher Education, Curriculum, Selection, Continuous Professional Development | |
Original Articles Analysis of the Gifted's Parents' Awareness in Turkey
Nüket Afat pp. 12 - 25 | DOI: Abstract This study analyzes the awareness about giftedness of parents of gifted based on various demographic variables. This is a quantitative study done with the screening model, one of the descriptive research methods. The study participants are 187 parents whose children were diagnosed as gifted and talented (6-10 years of age) in 2019. The "Personal Information Form," designed by the researchers, was used to collect data on predetermined qualitative factors (gender, education level, occupation, income, etc). To determine the parents of the gifted's awareness, "The Parent Awareness Scale The Gifted Children Form (PAS- GC) was used. A ready-made statistical program was used in the analysis of the data. Preliminary analyses show that the normality assumption could not be met, so the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests have been applied to investigate the differences between the variables. As a result of the analyses, gifted's parents' awareness rate about parenting giftedness needed to be increased for some essential areas of gifted education, such as stress and conflict, perfectionism, motivation-achievement, and responsibility/self-regulated subjects. Also, there was no significant difference between participants because of the demographic factors on awareness of parenting gifted. The results are important in emphasizing the need for all parents of gifted children to develop awareness. Keywords: Gifted and Talented, Parents of the Gifted, Awareness | |
Original Articles The Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility in the Relationship Between Social Media Addiction and Mental Well-Being in Young Adults
Ali Çekiç, Türkan Ayhan Öz, Ümmügülsüm Yılmaz & Ali Yıldırım pp. 26 - 37 | DOI: Abstract The current research aimed to investigate the mediating role of cognitive flexibility in the relationship between young adults' social media usage habits and their mental health. The data were obtained from 338 university students, 246 of whom were female and 92 were male. The participants’ mean age was 22. The study data were collected face-to-face with the paper-pencil method in the 2021-2022 fall semester. The obtained data were analyzed with IBM SPSS and IBM AMOS V24 software. The compatibility of the data with the normal distribution was examined with the assumption of multiple normality. To test whether cognitive flexibility has a mediating role in the correlation between social media addiction and mental well-being, an analysis was conducted based on the bootstrap method. As a result of the bootstrap analysis, the indirect impact of social media addiction on mental well-being through the mediation of cognitive flexibility was revealed to be statistically significant (β=-0.142; 95% CI [-0.256; -0.031]). The fit indices of the model were determined as CMNI/df =2.12, GFI=0.878, AGFI=0.853, IFI=0.873, TLI=0.856, CFI=0.871, and RMSE=0.058. In this respect, it can be said that increasing the cognitive flexibility of individuals will play an important role in both preventing social media addiction and increasing mental well-being. In line with the study results, it can be said that increasing the mental well-being of young adults and providing cognitive flexibility skills in their struggle with social media addiction will contribute positively to the process. Furthermore, providing individuals with cognitive flexibility skills at the early stages of development with preventive interventions may be effective in maintaining mental well-being that decreases with problems such as social media addiction. Keywords: Young Adults, Social Media Addiction, Cognitive Flexibility, Mental Well-Being, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |