Volume 19 Issue 3 (June 2023)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546



Original Articles Investigation of 21st Century Teaching Skill Levels of Classroom Teachers

Hatice Yıldız & Lokman Gürgen

pp. 1 - 26   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.1


Many dramatic changes have been observed in the quality and quantity of knowledge and skills, as well as in the form of access to and transfer of information in the 21st century. It is important to identify the skill levels of the classroom teachers who are responsible for educational activities in primary schools for maintaining an effective educational process. The aim of this study is to examine the classroom teachers' 21st century skills in terms of various variables. An explanatory sequential pattern of mixed research methods was used in the study. The quantitative data of the study were collected from 268 classroom teachers determined by convenience sampling method, and the qualitative data were collected from 20 classroom teachers determined by maximum sampling method. The quantitative data of the study were collected using the 21st Century Teaching Skills Scale developed by Orhan-Göksün (2016) and the qualitative data were collected through an interview form prepared by the researchers consisting of seven questions. The quantitative data were evaluated by descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U-Test and Kruskal Wallis H-test using SPSS 22 program. The qualitative data were analyzed by the content analysis method using Nvivo 11 program. The quantitative findings of the study revealed that the participants “generally” benefited from the 21st century teaching skills in the classroom. It was also found that they used confirmatory teaching skills at the most and flexible teaching skills at the least in the sub-dimensions of the scale. The results of the study showed that the 21st century skills of classroom teachers do not differ significantly in terms of age, gender, seniority in the profession and educational level. However, there were significant differences in terms of gender in the flexible teaching sub-dimension; in terms of age and seniority in the profession in technopedagogical and consenting skills sub-dimensions. The qualitative findings of the study revealed that the classroom teachers often reinforced the positive behaviors of their students, made the necessary work to ensure that students respect individual differences, kept observation records about the basic skills of their students, determine the classroom rules together with their students, prepared worksheets and authentic materials, used technological devices to enrich teaching and organized educational and social activities for students.

Keywords: 21st Century Teaching Skills, Classroom Teachers, Teacher Competencies

Original Articles Predicting Digital Addiction in Adolescents: The Role of Perceived Social Support and Well-Being Variables

Zöhre Kaya, Mehmet Sıddık Vangölü, Mevlüt Marufoğlu & Mehmet Özdemir

pp. 27 - 44   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.2


The aim of this study is to examine the role of perceived social support and well-being variables in predicting digital addiction levels in adolescents. The participants in this study, which was conducted based on a correlational research model, comprised 876 adolescents, of whom 55.5% (n = 486) were female and 44.5% (n = 390) were male, studying in different types of high schools during the 2018-2019 academic year and determined according to the convenience sampling method.The revised Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS-R), the Digital Addiction Scale (DAC) and the five-dimensional Measure of Adolescent Well-Being (EPOCH) were used for collection of the research data.In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation test and hierarchical regression analysis were utilized.The research findings revealed that perceived social support was significantly positively correlated with well-being and significantly negatively correlated with digital addiction. Similarly, statistically significant relationships were found between well-being and the sub-dimensions of digital addiction. In addition, the results show that perceived social support and well-being variables significantly predicted digital addiction and that these two variables together explained 7% of the change in digital addiction scores. Based on the findings of the study, it can be stated not only that perceived social support has a direct effect on digital addiction, but also that this effect increases through well-being.

Keywords: Perceived Social Support, Well-Being, Digital Addiction, Adolescent

Original Articles The Effects of the ÇABA Multi-Purpose Early Childhood Education (ÇABAÇAM) Model on the Academic Achievement, Personal and Professional Development of Preschool Teacher Trainees

Cansu Güler & Ebru Aktan Acar

pp. 45 - 61   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.3


This is a case study on the Effects of The Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University ÇABA Multi-Purpose Early Childhood Education (ÇABAÇAM) Model on the Academic Achievement, Personal and Professional Development of Preschool Teacher Trainees as a result of their experiences as voluntary practitioners within the ÇABAÇAM model. Using a qualitative research model, the research is carried out within a case study-based framework. Following a literature review, the researcher developed a semi-structured interview questionnaire as the means of data collection. The study group consists of preschool teacher trainees volunteering as preschool classroom practitioners in ÇABAÇAM while attending Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Education Faculty Preschool Education Teaching Undergraduate Program. 13 Teacher trainees were selected by the researcher for the project. Semi-structured interviews were held with the volunteer teacher trainees between October 1st and November 1st 2020. The analysis of the data gathered was done by content analysis.  Maxqda2020 was employed in the analysis of the semi-structured interviews. The data, as examined by the researcher indicates that the ÇABAÇAM Model had a positive effect both on the academic achievement and the personal and professional development of preschool teacher trainees. Research findings show that in accordance with its fundamental educational goals, the ÇABAÇAM Model is shown to successfully ease pre-assignment teachers' transition into work life by equipping them for their future professional roles in ways which will enable them to better contribute to meeting the quality standards for preschool education.

Keywords: ÇABAÇAM, ÇOMÜ, Teacher, Voluntarism, Awareness, Preschool Education

Original Articles The Relationship Between Pre–Service Teacher Attitudes Towards Learning and Their Personal Growth Initiatives

Remzi Yıldırım & Cenk Yoldaş

pp. 62 - 81   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.4


This study discussed the relationship between pre-service teachers' attitudes towards learning and their personal growth initiatives. The study was carried out with the participation of 378 pre-service teachers studying at the MCBU Faculty of Education. According to the descriptive statistics obtained in the study, pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards learning and personal growth initiatives are at a high level. In the context of attitudes towards learning and personal development orientations, no significant difference was found according to gender, teaching division, grade level and cumulative grade point averages. The anxiety dimension of the attitude scale towards learning was found to be higher in the context of those with low cumulative grade point averages. There was a positive, close to normal relationship between pre-service teachers' attitudes towards learning and their personal growth initiatives. Since the data of the study did not show a normal distribution, nonparametric tests were used in the analysis to solve the sub-problems. Mann Whitney U analysis was used for gender and cumulative grade point averages and Kruskal Wallis analysis was used for teaching division and grade level to see if there was a significant difference. The relationship between the scales was evaluated with Spearman's Rank Correlation analysis.

Keywords: Pre-Service Teachers, Attitudes Towards Learning, Personal Growth Initiatives, Personal Development

Original Articles Effect of Hope-Focused Intervention Based on the Creative Art Approach on the University Students’ Levels of Hope

Fatma Selda Öz Soysal, Sibel Almelek Işman, Çınla Şeker & Bahar Soğukkuyu

pp. 82 - 100   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.5


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of hope-focused intervention based on the creative art approach on the level of hope of university students. The exploratory sequential design, among mixed patterns, was used in this study. In this experimental study, the random assignment Solomon 4-group design was used. The participants (n = 60) consisted of university students enrolled in an educational program at a public university in western Turkey. The Dispositional Hope Scale, Interview Forms, and Personal Information Forms were used as data collection tools. The hope-focused intervention based on the creative art approach was conducted with experimental groups for 6 weeks, once a week for 90 min. In order to determine the effect of the intervention, the quantitative data obtained were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and the t-test. Qualitative data were obtained by semi-structured interviews and analyzed via content analysis. The results of the analyses showed that hope-focused intervention based on the creative art approach had a significant positive effect on the participants' hope levels, regardless of the pre-test and post-test sensitivity.

Keywords: Creative, Art, Hope, Intervention, University Students

Original Articles Communication Issues and Practices of Syrian Students Receiving Education in Turkey

Abdullah Uğur & Yusuf Keskin

pp. 101 - 119   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.6


The influx of refugees from Syria to Turkey started in April, following the Syria crisis, which began with the demonstrations known as the Arab Spring in 2011. Concerning the distribution of refugees who took refuge in Turkey after the Syrian crisis by country, it is observed that Syrians are in the first place. It is seen that intensive works are carried out especially in the fields of integration and education for Syrian families and their children who live in Turkey at the present time. The aim of this study is to determine the communication status and daily life communication problems of Syrian students who have come from Syria and study at schools in Turkey together with Turkish students, with their Syrian and Turkish friends. In this research using a case study, one of the qualitative research designs, semi-structured interviews were held with 20 Syrian students studying at a state secondary school of a middle socioeconomic level in the Marmara region. The data obtained were subjected to content analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined that the most important problem faced by Syrian children was the language issue and this problem also affected other communication areas. Syrian students stated that they had problems with other students, teachers, and school administrators in their daily life and at school due to their insufficient level of knowing Turkish. Therefore, they indicated that they frequently met their Syrian friends both at school and outside the school, and they would like to spend more time with their Syrian friends if they were to make a choice. As a result of the study, it was also revealed that Syrian students had fewer communication problems and they tended to spend more time with Turkish students as the time they spent in Turkey increased.

Keywords: Immigration, Syrian Students, Communication, Communication Problems, Educational Settings, Refugees

Original Articles Practice, Teaching, and Research Ethics in Special Education

Erhan Çetin & Emre Laçin

pp. 120 - 133   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.7


Considering the lives of individuals with special needs, perhaps the most critical of the services provided is special education services. Having an extremely important place in the lives of these individuals and their relatives, special education services should be carried out within the framework of certain standards and ethical principles. Professional ethics, which pertain to the standards of conduct that individuals working in the realm of business should or should not exhibit, are of paramount importance in guiding employees on the principles that should be adhered to. Given that the field of special education is particularly sensitive in comparison to other disciplines, it is crucial for both teachers working in special education and researchers in this field to possess knowledge and skills pertaining to ethical principles. Despite its significance, there is a dearth of studies on the subject of special education ethics in Turkey. In light of the importance of this topic and the present situation in Turkey, this study aims to explore the concepts of ethics and professional ethics at a fundamental level. Specifically, the study delves into the specific realms of special education practice ethics, special education teaching ethics, and special education research ethics, and examines their place within the broader field of special education in the context of international literature. It is believed that the research conducted on this subject will be beneficial for both teachers, researchers, and service recipients in the interdisciplinary field of special education.

Keywords: Special Education, Practise Ethics, Teaching Ethics, Research Ethics

Original Articles The Use of Error Based Activities to Improve the Mathematization Competency

Solmaz Damla Gedik Altun & Zekiye Morkoyunlu

pp. 134 - 148   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.8


The purpose of the study is to investigate how the error based activities improve the mathematization competency of preservice mathematics teachers. The study was designed as a case study which is one of the qualitative study design. The sample consists of 38 third grade elementary mathematics teacher candidates studying in a university in Turkey. The study group consisted of 20 pre-service teachers; the comparison group consisted of 18 pre-service teachers. Data were collected through PISA questions consisting of 11 questions total. Data were analysed through descriptive analysis. The findings of the study indicates that the study group performed better than the comparison group on getting the full score for most of the questions. Both of the groups performed mostly on getting full and zero scores and rarely getting partial scores. The study group performed mostly at level 3 when the comparison group performed mostly at level 2 and level 1.

Keywords: Error Based Activities, Mathematization, Mathematical Literacy, Preservice Mathematics Teachers

Original Articles The Analysis of Relationship Between Competition Styles and Play Skills of Preschool Children

Gülden Uyanık, Zeynep Kılıç & Şeyma Değirmenci

pp. 149 - 159   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.9


Play is a tool that attunes children to the world and enables children to experience freedom. This tool is significant for children to get oriented with physical and social environment and learn. Children sharpen their emotions, enhance abilities, and develop skills as they play games (Ünal, 2009). There are various definitions of competition (Sheridan and Williams, 2006; Tsiakara and Digelidis, 2012) which is frequently observed in the behaviors of kindergarten children. Competition can be defined as an urge to win, willing to be better than the others can, enjoying competing with others, focusing on an objective and eliminating other individuals to reach that objective or not willing to share the determined objective with others (Yenidünya, 2005). Although competition often exist in preschool children’s behavior it is observed that there is not adequate amount of study in the literature. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between competition skills and playing skills of children that has active completion in their life. For data acquisition in the research The Preschool Competition Questionnaire – PCQ (Uyanık Balat, Akman and Arslan Çiftçi, 2017) and Revised Knox Preschool Play Scale (Değirmenci, 2016) is used. Research data is acquired from 202 children having preschool education in Istanbul in the 2016-2017 education term. Pearson Moment Product Correlation Coefficient and independent groups t-test are used for data analysis. Consequential to the research it is found that there is negative significant correlation (r=-.358, p<.01) between  total score of Revised Knox Preschool Play Scale and Preschool Competition Questionnaire's sub-dimension called “Others-oriented Competition”,while a positive  significant correlation for “Task Oriented Competition” (r=.357, p<.01)is found. In the lights of these findings, it can be asserted that others-oriented competition levels decrease as the playing skills level increase and task/winning-oriented competition level increases.

Keywords: Preschool, Competition, Competition Styles, Play, Play Skills

Original Articles Preservice Science Teachers’ Opinions and Argument Quality regarding COVID-19 Vaccines

Feride Ercan Yalman

pp. 160 - 177   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.10


This study aims to identify preservice science teachers’ opinions and argument quality regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. The research was conducted with 18 4th year preservice science teachers studying at the Department of Science Education. The study was conducted with phenomenological design and the data were obtained using focus group interview and dilemma cards. The data obtained from the focus group interview were analyzed with content analysis. The argument components in the dilemma cards were analyzed using the “Argumentation Model Rating Scale” developed by Hiğde and Aktamış (2017). The findings obtained from the focus group interview showed that the majority of preservice science teachers were undecided about vaccination. The minority of the participants who expressed positive views on COVID-19 vaccines mentioned the health, social and scientific aspects of the vaccine (protection, reducing the rate of disease, facilitating the fight against epidemic, contributing to the advancement of science, etc.). On the other hand, it was underlined by the presevice science teachers that the COVID-19 vaccines still contained uncertainties (side effects, lack of protection on its own, lack of confidence, etc.) and created feelings of unease due to the new technological products. The results obtained from the dilemma cards demonstrated that the preservice science teachers were able to present their opinions (claims) and evidence successfully and were partially successful in supporting them. However, it was concluded that the preservice science teachers could not achieve the same level of success in the rebuttal part while presenting their arguments.

Keywords: COVID-19 Vaccine, Socio-scientific Issues, Preservice Science Teacher, Argument Quality

Original Articles The Effect of Activities Based on Interaction With Turkish Peers on the Acculturative Stress Levels of Migrant Preservice Teachers

Rumeysa Sarıkaya, Gizemnur Yazıcı, Büşra Nur Kirçi, Büşra Okumuş & Ceren Çevik Kansu

pp. 178 - 198   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.11


This study had two objectives: (1) allowing migrant preservice teachers to interact with their Turkish peers to help them gain pre-professional experiences and (2) using interactive activities to reduce migrant preservice teachers’ acculturative stress levels. The study adopted a mixed-method research design (quantitative and qualitative). Participants attended eight weeks of interactive activity workshops on migration (intervention). The quantitative part adopted a pretest-posttest pre-experimental design. The qualitative part adopted a case study. Data were collected using activity evaluation forms, semi-structured interviews, and the Acculturative Stress Scale (ASS). The sample consisted of 11 migrant students from the education faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, dependent-groups t-test, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The quantitative data showed that participants had a lower mean posttest ASS subscale score than the pretest score. They also had a significantly lower mean posttest ASS “social isolation” and “perceived discrimination” subscale score than the pretest score. Participants stated that the intervention helped them value and socialize with people more. We think that our results will guide authorities in developing activities to help migrant preservice teachers cope with cultural adaptation and student-related problems.

Keywords: Migrant, Preservice Teacher, Acculturation, Acculturative Stress

Original Articles The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Agility: The Mediating Role of Organizational Happiness

Gülsu Naiboğlu & Mustafa Özgenel

pp. 198 - 212   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.546.12


In today's world, where person-organization fit, organizational agility, and organizational happiness are becoming increasingly important, we conducted a study to investigate the mediating role of organizational happiness in the relationship between person-organization fit and organizational agility. For this purpose, the research was carried out according to the relational survey and mediation models. Data were collected from 338 teachers using three scales: the Person-Organization Fit Scale, the Organizational Agility Scale, and the Organizational Happiness Scale. The correlation analysis revealed that person-organization fit is strongly and positively correlated with organizational agility. Additionally, there is a moderate positive correlation between person-organization fit and organizational happiness, as well as between organizational happiness and organizational agility. Finally, the mediation test found that organizational happiness partially mediates the effect of person-organization fit on organizational agility.

Keywords: Person-Organization Fit, Organizational Agility, Organizational Happiness, School Happiness, Organizational Agility

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