Volume 1 Issue 3 (October 2005)
Original Articles Hacia una pedagogia de la investigación: Una invitación

J. Fernando Galindo

pp. 14 - 33


Tomando el caso de la educacion en ciencias sociales y humanas en una institucion de educacion superior en Bolivia este ensayo explora como se inculca y reproduce una cultura del consumo de la informacion y del conocimiento, que obstruye la constitucion de una cultura de produccion del conocimiento. Luego de este diagnostico se plantea algunas ideas para superar esta cultura del consumo y comenzar a imaginar una cultura de la produccion del conocimiento a traves del metodo de la pedagogla de la investigacion. Esta exploracion se realiza desde la experiencia de un sociologo formado tanto en el norte como el sur que actualmente trabaja con educacion y tiene el proposito de contribuir a la agenda de construir una sociologıa reflexiva en la region.

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Original Articles Fire and Dust

Peter McLaren

pp. 34 - 57


Drawing upon a Hegelian-Marxist critique of political economy that underscores the fundamental importance of developing a philosophy of praxis, the author theorizes a revolutionary Freireian critical pedagogy which seeks forms of organization that best enable the pursuit of doing critical philosophy as a way of life. The authors argues that the revolutionary critical pedagogy operates from an understanding that the basis of education is political and that spaces need to be created where students can imagine a different world outside of capitalism’s law of value (i.e., social form of labor), where alternatives to capitalism and capitalist institutions can be discussed and debated, and where dialogue can occur about why so many revolutions in past history turned into their opposite.

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Original Articles The Dimensions of Reflection: A Conceptual and Contextual Analysis

Susan E. Noffke & Marie Brennan

pp. 58 - 78


In the article, authors identify some of the problems in the present notions of reflective teaching. The authors argue that none of these conceptions deal with reflection itself in a reflexive way. They tend to use theories of reflection as a canopy for their own "middle level" theorizing about reflective teaching. First, the authors consider the development of the term and some of its popularization in teacher education. Some problems the authors identify are located in the history of the concept "reflection" and its philosophical underpinnings. Others emerge from particular applications within teacher education itself. Their critique challenges the prevalent conceptions of reflection and proceeds to offer new direction for further reconstruction of the theory and practice of reflective teaching. The final section offers an alternative conceptualization of “reflection” designed to address many of the concerns the authors raise, while acknowledging that some will always need to be addressed as a continual process.

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Original Articles The Dimensions of Reflection: A Conceptual and Contextual

Susan E. Noffke

pp. 79 - 81


When one of the editors of this journal asked me to contribute a piece, I was very happy -but also wondering what I’d send in. Luckily, the editor in question was also interested in “reflection” and there was an old paper not published elsewhere, which seemed to have some ideas useful to his own research agenda, partly around issues of “reflection”. Little did I know that this process of retrieving the paper, now 17 years old, would also retrieve memories of the whole process of learning to do academic writing, of becoming a professor, (including thoughts on why the paper has not until this time been published}, and of how one of the strongest relationships in my life began to be constructed.

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