Volume 18 Issue 1 (February 2022)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426



Original Articles A Study of English Intercultural Learning Experience of Thai Tertiary English Majors

Kewalin Jantadej

pp. 1 - 21   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.1


This study examined the English intercultural learning experience of 63 fourth-year Thai tertiary English majors through the students’ evaluation form, which included the Likert scale questionnaire, checklists, and open-ended questions. The questionnaire’s findings showed that the English majors evaluated gaining an English intercultural learning experience to a moderate amount. Then, the checklists’ findings informed that they mostly noticed learning cultures when the teachers used online media, shared experiences or viewpoints, and offered them to discuss cultural issues in the classroom. Finally, the open-ended questions’ results stressed that the participants required more opportunities to communicate in English, be familiar with varieties of English, and learn their native English teacher’s culture. Although they experienced learning target and foreign countries’ cultures from a Thai English language teacher to a large amount, they felt inferior to those countries and noticed the lack of promoting home cultural value in the classroom. The findings suggested that teachers should monitor themselves to ensure that they inspire students to be proud of their identity and nation before valuing others. Otherwise, students may be unable to express appreciation of their national identity to the world and lack a prerequisite qualification of the global-ready graduates—desirable national citizenship.

Keywords: English intercultural learning experience, Intercultural competence, English language learning, Global-ready graduates, English Majors

Original Articles Reading Difficulty and Development of Fluent Reading Skills: An Action Research

Osman Gedik & Hayati Akyol

pp. 22 - 41   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.2


In this study, it was aimed to remediate the reading difficulties of a fifth-grade student having no physical or mental problem but experiencing reading difficulties and to develop his skills of reading fluency. For this purpose, the repeated reading, paired reading, and word repetition techniques were used in the research process. In addition, the meaning analysis, word map and vocabulary notebook techniques were also used due to the positive effect of rich vocabulary knowledge in remediating reading difficulties and improving skills of reading fluency. This study was designed as action research, one of the qualitative research designs, and it was carried out with a fifth-grade primary school student in Sivas in the spring term of 2018-2019. The Error Analysis Inventory was used to determine reading errors. In the case study to determine the levels of reading and comprehension, it was found that the participant was at the level of frustration in the fifth, fourth and third grade texts, and at the instructional level in the second-grade text. As a result of the reading, comprehension and vocabulary development activities, the student's reading motivation, desire and self-confidence increased, and he started to detect and correct reading aloud mistakes by himself. It was observed that the participant, who was at the second-grade instructional level at the beginning, reached the independent level in the text of the third grade and the instructional level in the text of the fourth grade at the end of the study lasted for 31 class hours.

Keywords: Reading Difficulty, Reading Fluency, Vocabulary Knowledge, Reading Levels, Paired Reading, Repetitive Reading

Original Articles Investigation of the Correlation Between Self-Esteem and Coping Strategies of Students Attending Secondary School

Esin Özer & Hamdi Korkman

pp. 42 - 51   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.3


The aim of this research is to explore the relationship between self-esteem in secondary school students and coping strategies. This study was carried out with 523 participants from the 6th, 7th and 8th grades of two secondary schools in Aydın. The 292 participants were female students and 230 male students. Of the applicants, 157 are in 6th grade, 238 are in 7th grade and 127 are students in 8th grade. The Coping Scale for Adolescents (Kidcope) and the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Scale were used as a data collection tool. The Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation Coefficient Technique was used to evaluate the relationship between (Kidcope) CSA scores and the total Coopersmith Self-Esteem Scale score. Multiple regression analysis has tested the predictive intensity of dealing with self-esteem. It has been determined, according to the results, that there is a significant and positive relationship between self-esteem and strategies for coping.

Keywords: Self-Esteem, Coping Strategies, Secondary School Students

Original Articles Identifying the Values to be acquired by the Students in Inclusive Classrooms based on the Views of the Classroom Teachers

Tansel Yazıcıoğlu & Vedat Aktepe

pp. 52 - 64   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.4


The general goal of special education and inclusive education is to socialize students. Socialization refers to individuals’ attempts to participate in their immediate environment through the acquisition of certain knowledge, skills, values and behaviors. The basis of socialization in formal education systems is the educational programs and particularly, the educational program of social studies courses. Identfying which of values contained in the educational programs should be taught to students is very significant to reevaluate these values and to allow classroom teachers to develop common values for inclusive classrooms. The study aims at identifying the values to be acquired by students in inclusive clasrooms. The participants of the study are primary school teachers who work at primary schools in Nevşehir province of Turkey. In the study, qualitative method was used, and the data were collected through semi-structured interview questions and analyzed by content analysis technique by using inductive approach. The findings of the research show that the most frequently cited value for the students with no special education is empathy. The findings of the research also show that the participants mostly employ individual study in value education in the context of inclusive education.

Keywords: Human Values Empathy, Individual Study, Inclusive Classes

Original Articles The Reasons of Syrians Learning Turkish as a Second Language, Their Perceptions of Turkey and Their Future Expectations

Önder Çangal

pp. 65 - 84   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.5


The Syrian question has not remained as an internal conflict; instead, it has affected both Turkey as well as whole Europe. According to 2020 statistics, approximately three and a half million Syrians reside in Turkey, and approximately 850 thousand of these Syrians are young people between the ages of 15-24.The determination of the reasons why the young population who could be regarded as the future of the Syria learn Turkish, their perceptions of Turkey and expectations from the future, is vitally important for both the proper administration of their process’ of learning Turkish as a second language, as well as for the planning of the future of the young Syrians. This study, which aims to determine the reasons why Syrians who choose to learn Turkish as a second language, their perceptions of Turkey and expectations from the future, has been prepared per the qualitative research model. An interview form to be used in the study was prepared by the assistance of experts in the field and the form was administered to sixty-six participants. The data were analyzed by using the descriptive analysis method. According to the results of the research, Syrians want to learn Turkish in order to meet their basic needs, to get education, to find a job, to work and to eliminate communication problems in daily life. Language, education, finding a job, adaptation problems, university placement and getting an identity card stand out as the issues that Syrians have difficulties in Turkey. 52.1 percent of the young people plan to graduate from university and begin working immediately. The most important factor in this is that people have families they are responsible for and they have to make a living. The future expectations of young people, who are struggling to learn a language, receive higher education, find a job and continue their lives, look for security, peace, stability and success. Syrian young people want to leave the war behind and carry on the future with hope. In this context, it is necessary for all countries to accept their responsibilities and to determine a common framework for the solution of the problem.

Keywords: Teaching Turkish as a Second Language, Language Needs Analysis, Syrians' Perception of Turkey and the Future

Original Articles Teaching the Alternative Ceramic Firing Techniques to Preservice Visual Arts Teachers: A Case Study

Berna Coskun Onan & Tulin Ozturk

pp. 85 - 113   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.6


The aim of this study is to explain the case that preservice teachers will enable alternative experiences to today's visual arts education by using alternative ceramic firing techniques. In this study, qualitative research was carried out using a single-case study during the 2018-2019 academic year.  Six preservice teachers were chosen using the criteria of having the necessary knowledge and skills for ceramic training and teaching, and for being educated in the Fine Arts Education Department. In the collecting data part of the research, the techniques of alternative firing such as; fumed firing, raku firing, saggar firing, and obvara firing techniques were practised in the context of this study. The main research data were based on the observation data collected through the process of the practices which were conducted by the artist- researcher. In addition to observations, a data set was gathered to understand and describe the case such as; lesson instruction materials, diaries, self-evaluation forms, and product evaluation forms. The data was analysed using a descriptive framework based on art education and teacher training literature. The findings of the study represent seven themes; “Adaptation of learning to school conditions”, “Organising practise steps”, “Motivation for creative experiences”, “Suggestions for professional practices”, “Suggestions for problems”, “Adaptability to teaching” and “interaction during the teaching process”. According to the findings, it can be stated that the alternative firing techniques transformed into alternative ways for teaching processes in visual arts education through this case. Consequently, the discussion topics are as follows: “Alternatives motivate creative experience”; “Adapting the alternatives to school conditions”; “Organising steps for alternative practises”; Transferring alternative experiences to professional lives”.

Keywords: Ceramic Education; Fumed Firing; Obvara Firing; Raku Firing; Saggar Firing

Original Articles The Relationship Between Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking and Epistemological Beliefs

Cafer Çarkıt & Hasan Kurnaz

pp. 114 - 127   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.7


In this study, the relationship between pre-service teachers' critical thinking dispositions and their epistemological belief perceptions was examined. The relational screening model was used in the study designed in quantitative research approach. The study group of the research is 234 teacher candidates who study at Education Faculties of Gaziantep University and are determined by simple random sampling method. In the study, data were collected with scales developed for two different variables as epistemological belief and critical thinking disposition. SPSS 22.0 packaged software has been used in the process of data analysis. During the research process, the data were evaluated using the arithmetic mean, Pearson Product Moments Correlation Coefficient and multiple regression analysis. In the study, it was determined that the epistemological belief perceptions of teacher candidates differ according to dimensions and their critical thinking dispositions were at a high level. However, positive relationships were determined between sub-dimensions of pre-service teachers' epistemological belief perceptions and sub-dimensions of critical thinking dispositions. Accordingly, a positive and a low level relationship between "access and acquisition of knowledge " and "reasoning" dimensions with "simple knowledge" and "reaching judgment" dimensions; a positive and moderate relationship between 'simple knowledge' and 'reasoning' dimensions were found. In addition, it was determined that 'reasoning', 'open-mindedness' and 'reaching judgment', which are sub-dimensions of the pre-service teachers' critical thinking dispositions; significantly predicted their perception of the epistemological beliefs regarding 'access to knowledge' and 'simple knowledge'.

Keywords: Epistemological Belief, Critical Thinking, Teacher Candidate, Correlation, Relationship Level

Original Articles Teaching Experiences of Science Teachers Working in Schools for the Visually Impaired

Tamer Karakoç & Cem Aslan

pp. 128 - 146   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.8


This study aims to determine the teaching experiences of science teachers working in schools for the visually impaired. In this context, the instructional arrangements made by the teachers for students with visual impairment in science lessons and the issues they had difficulties with were determined, and suggestions were offered for the effective and efficient implementation of science lessons. A phenomenological design was used in the study, and a sample consisting of 12 science teachers was formed. The interview form was used as the data collection tool, and content analysis was applied to analyse the data obtained. At the end of the research, five themes emerged: lesson plan, material, content presentation, teaching environment, and evaluation. It was determined those science teachers working in schools for the visually impaired made various instructional arrangements for students with visual impairment. In addition, it was determined that teachers had different problems within the framework of these five themes. Thus, some solutions were put forward to overcome these problems and conduct more effective and efficient science lessons. The results obtained were discussed within the scope of the relevant literature, and recommendations were given.

Keywords: Science Teacher, Students with Visual Impairment, Teaching, Instructional Arrangements

Original Articles Designing Technological Content Curriculum Materials Supported by Logger Pro: An Action Research

Ahmet Kumaş

pp. 147 - 173   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.9


This study aimed to develop teacher guide material for students who are uninterested in physics lessons in high schools. In this context, activities in which measurements are made with Logger Pro sensors, which are computer-applied with the innovative technology in 10th-grade optics subjects, have been developed. The study was carried out with 134 students at the school where the researcher taught in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the research, action research method was used. The action researcher personally intervened in the process at every stage of the implementation process to ensure that the teaching material became applicable. Interview, observation and student documents were used to test the hypotheses of the research. The research process was carried out in six stages: Logger pro-supported experimental application, simulation application, analogy application, associating with daily life, modeling and evaluation. Within the scope of action research, qualitative and quantitative methods were used together. Based on research findings; it has been revealed that the developed material is applicable in all types of schools where the 10th-grade physics course is taught, is understandable, overlaps with the content of the curriculum, and has an evaluation competence that can reflect the learning outcomes of the curriculum. As a result of the applications, the students' group success, understanding levels and application skills in the process improved positively in the five observation steps, but the attitudes and motivations of the students with high academic achievement were negatively affected. The reason for this is that it is seen as a waste of time for successful students to devote too much time to students with low academic success and learning together in order to advance group success. It was determined that the motivation and interest of the students reached the highest levels in the stages where the contents of the studies were supported by simulation and video.

Keywords: Education and Technology, Virtual Computing Laboratory, Technological Content Material, Science Education

Original Articles The Effects of Children’s Rights and Democracy Education on Children’s Democratic Behaviors

Sevi Kent Kükürtcü & Nefise Semra Erkan

pp. 174 - 193   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.10


This study aims to investigate the effects of early childhood Children’s Rights and Democracy Education on children’s democratic behaviors. The study group consisted of a total of 53 children (28 experimental, 25 control) aged between 60-72 months, who were attending two kindergartens affiliated with the Directorate of National Education in Kayseri. The study used the quantitative research method of pretest/posttest and control group quasi-experimental design. Data were collected by using the Democratic Behavior Scale developed by the researcher.

The findings showed that while no significant difference existed between the pretest scores of the experimental and control groups prior to Children’s Rights and Democracy Education, the posttest mean scores of the experimental group increased significantly after the training as compared to the control group. In addition, learning was shown to be permanent by the results of a retention test given to the experimental group one month after the program ended. The results showed that the children who participated in the Children’s Rights and Democracy Education program displayed higher and more permanent development than the control children in the democratic behavior, autonomous behavior, and knowing one’s rights subdimensions of the Democratic Behavior Scale.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Preschool, Human Rights Education, Children’s Rights Education, Democracy Education, Democratic Behaviors

Original Articles Primary School Students' Images of Scientists and the Sources of These Images

Ebru Buket Aygun & Suat Celik

pp. 194 - 209   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.11


The aim of this study is to determine the 4th-grade students’ images of the scientists and the relations between these images and the images of scientists that primary school teachers describe in their classes and the images presented in the 4th-grade textbooks. The sample of the study consisted of 244 4th-grade students, 10 teachers, and 4th grade science and social studies textbooks. The study was designed according to the case study design, which is one of the qualitative research designs. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the students have stereotypical images about gender, age, working environment, and the works of the scientists. While it was determined that 85% of the students draw male scientists. However, contrary to the results commonly seen in the literature, the image of a scientist with a lab coat is found to be at a lower level in this study. In addition, the results obtained in the interviews with the teachers and textbooks examined revealed that there are similarities between these images that the students have and the images that the teachers have taught and the images presented in the textbooks.

Keywords: Images of Scientist, Primary School Students, DAST, Primary School Teacher, Textbooks

Original Articles Determining the Metaphor Perceptions of Generation Z Teacher Candidates for Handwriting and Keyboarding (Typing)

Zeynep Aydemır

pp. 210 - 228   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.12


The aim of this study is to determine the metaphor perceptions of Generation Z teacher candidates towards handwriting and typing. Based on the metaphors obtained, elective courses related to handwriting may be included in undergraduate programs according to their point of view on handwriting. Many researches are carried out on the area created by the change that comes with the use of new technology. However, it is still necessary to ask new questions and seek answers. Therefore, in this study, according to the medium in which it is presented, whether in print or digital, how the nature of the content of the article changes according to the medium; what are the consequences of the superficialization of the content in terms of mental processes and what are the pre-service teachers' perspectives on handwriting. Study group of this research consists of 70 students among the Teacher Candidates in Istanbul in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 school year. For the data collection, a form with incomplete sentences such as “Handwriting is like... Because…” and “Keyboarding (typing) is like… Because…” was used to allow students to write down metaphors they attribute to “writing”. Generation Z Teacher Candidates produced metaphors in the category of handwriting respectively the life (27.1 %), thought and feelings (20%) attention and production (15.7 %), skill (15.7 % ), functional ( 12.9 % ) and share/transfer (8.6 %). Teacher Candidates produced metaphors in the category of keyboarding (typing) high level attention/ production (24.3%), superficiality/forgery (21.4%), easy/effortless (17.1%), thought and feelings (12.9%), sound (10%), skill  (8.6%) and future (5.7%). Teacher Candidates should provide content and environments that will increase the longing for handwriting in their students to create awareness of writing and make them feel the need for writing. The determination of the meanings attributed by the Generation Z Teacher Candidates to traditional writing and typing with keys, and the perspective of Teacher Candidates on this subject were discussed.

Keywords: Writing, Handwriting, Keyboarding, Typing, Metaphor

Original Articles Classroom Teachers' Expectations from Pre-School Education on the Process of Preparation for Literacy: An Exploratory Sequential Design Study

Mehmet Soyuçok & Yakup Balantekin

pp. 229 - 248   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.13


In this study, it was aimed to reveal classroom teachers' expectations from pre-school education within the context of literacy teaching and to develop a measurement tool depending on these expectations. The study was conducted with 682 classroom teachers in accordance with the exploratory sequential design, one of the mixed method designs. The expectations of classroom teachers within the context of  literacy teaching were first determined by qualitative data collection methods, then, the validity and reliability analyses of the draft measurement tool created with these data were performed and the measurement tool was developed, and finally, this measurement tool was applied on a different sample and the expectations of classroom teachers from preschool education within the context of  literacy were determined. According to the qualitative data, classroom teachers' expectations were evaluated under the themes of listening, speaking, reading, writing and school adjustment. In the scale development process, the reliability was ensured by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, the content validity was ensured by expert opinions, and the construct validity was ensured by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. As a result of the analyses, a valid and reliable scale consisting of 24 items and three factors as listening-speaking, reading-writing and school adjustment was developed. It was recommended that classroom teachers should evaluate their expectations from pre-school education with pre-school teachers during their professional working periods.

Keywords: Pre-School Education; Preparation for Literacy; School Adjustment; Exploratory Sequential Design

Original Articles Investigation of the Effectiveness of Hybrid Learning on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study

İbrahim Yaşar Kazu & Cemre Kurtoğlu Yalçın

pp. 249 - 265   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.14


Hybrid learning based on the integration of traditional face to face and online teaching- learning paradigms has become popular with the improvement of technology. This popularity creates a need for making a reinterpretation of the findings of recent empirical studies conducted on the effectiveness of hybrid learning. Thus, it is aimed to present the overall effect of hybrid learning on students’ academic achievements by analyzing 45 research findings obtained from 44 quantitative studies published between 2010 and 2020.  Relevant studies were identified from the databases of scholarly publications. The sample was examined using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) program. Publication type, education level, discipline, and duration of the intervention were determined as moderator variables. The results show that the effect of hybrid learning on students’ achievement is statistically higher (d = 1.032) in the random-effects model. A heterogeneous distribution was obtained from the sample Further subgroup analyzes using Analog ANOVA revealed that only the discipline variable is statistically significant. It was concluded that the discipline of biology has the highest effect size and the discipline of science has high effect size respectively. Furthermore, the impacts of these findings were discussed and relevant suggestions were given for future researches.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Effect Size, Hybrid Learning, Meta-Analysis

Original Articles Leader Administrator: A Qualitative Analysis Based on Teacher Opinions

Ramazan Ertürk

pp. 266 - 284   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.15


The aim of this study is to determine the leadership roles of school administrators based on teachers’ opinions. The participants of this case study, one of the qualitative research design, were 180 teachers working in 5 elementary schools, 4 secondary schools and 4 high schools in Bolu province in the 2020-2021 academic year. The data were collected using an interview form consisting of semi-structured questions and analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. The findings of the study indicated that the leader manager should be an ethical, facilitating, empowering, instructive, innovative, motivating, supportive and visionary manager. In accordance with the results of this study, it is recommended that school administrators should have an ethical character that exhibits impartial, reliable, fair, constructive, patient, courageous and democratic behavior.

Keywords: Leader, Administrators, Leader Administrators, Teacher Opinions

Original Articles Investigating Speaking Performance in Terms of Cultural Capital

Onur Dölek & Salih Kürşad Dolunay

pp. 285 - 297   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.16


This study examines whether or not cultural capital has a predictive role in speaking performance. This is a mixed-methods study. Its data were collected from 263 participants (118 females, 145 males) of different ages and professions. The Cultural Capital Scale and a semi-structured interview form were used to collect the data. The participants’ speeches were videotaped and evaluated using the Speaking Performance Rating Scale. The study data were evaluated using correlation analysis (r), simple linear regression and content analysis. This study found a positive, significant relationship between cultural capital and speaking performance (r=0.878, p<0.001). Cultural capital accounted for 77.2% of the variation in speaking performance, thus significantly predicting speaking performance. Of the participants, 87.07% said that cultural capital affects speaking performance, and 94.29% said that there was parallelism between cultural capital competencies and speaking performance. Cultural capital plays a vital role in improving speaking performance. Cultural activities such as mobile movie theaters, sports facilities, libraries, theater performances and more should be made available to children who live in relatively underprivileged environments in order to increase their cultural capital. With long-term strategies and development policies, educational programs should be restructured to consider cultural capital’s role in linguistic skills. Online practices such as virtual visits to museums and exhibitions, participation in virtual concerts and e-books should be emphasized more. Courses that prioritize cultural content such as music, movies and novels should be designed. The content of textbooks should be enriched by including biographies of important scientists and artists. Researchers should also investigate whether or not cultural capital affects other fundamental linguistic skills.

Keywords: Speaking, Performance, Cultural Capital, Prediction

Original Articles Analysis of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development of Prospective Teachers in the Lesson Plan Development Process: 4MAT Model

Feyza Aliustaoğlu & Abdulkadir Tuna

pp. 298 - 321   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.17


The aim of this study is to investigate the change of prospective mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) on the linear equation and slope subject based on the lesson plan development and implementation process based on the 4MAT model. The concept of PCK was discussed in three components as content knowledge, knowledge of student understanding and knowledge of instructional strategies. The research was carried out based on mixed research methods. The data collection tools consisted of 48 lesson plans developed by prospective teachers in three stages and observation notes taken based on the teachings they did. The lesson plans developed by prospective teachers were analyzed quantitatively using the rubric developed by the researcher. Whether there is a statistically significant difference in PCK components in the lesson plans was analyzed by using appropriate tests. In addition, various qualitative sections from the lesson plans showing the development of prospective teachers were presented. As a result of the research, it was concluded that prospective teachers showed improvement in each of the components of the PCK at the end of the lesson plan development and implementation process based on the 4MAT model.

Keywords: Mathematics Education, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, 4MAT Model, Prospective Teachers, Lesson Plans

Original Articles A Study on the Impact of Readability on Comprehensibility

Halil İbrahim Öksüz & Hasan Kağan Keskin

pp. 322 - 335   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.18


The aim of the study is to examine the effect of readability on comprehensibility. The study is quasi-experimental as it was not possible to assign groups randomly and the groups were partially controllable. Therefore, the "pretest-posttest unequaled control group quasi-experimental design" was used in the study. The study group consists of 121 fourth grade students divided into two experimental and two control groups. The texts taken from the Turkish textbook approved by the Education Board were used to collect the data of the research. In order to measure the comprehensibility of the texts, the comprehension scale of the Mistake Analysis Inventory was used. The analysis of the data of the study was carried out using the SPSS 24 package. In order to ensure reliability in the study, some of the comprehensibility data were scored by two raters. To do so, comprehension data from 50 randomly selected participants were used. As the comprehension data of 50 participants did not show normal distribution, the Spearman Brown Rank Differences Correlation Test was conducted in order to reveal the relationship between the two raters. According to the test results, a strong and positive significant relationship was found between the two raters (r (48) = .88, p = .00, p <.05). The findings showed that the original (more difficult) versions of the texts were more comprehensible than the versions simplified by the researcher. In other words, long sentences are more comprehensible than short sentences. In this direction, the present study revealed that the readable text may not always be comprehensible.

Keywords: Readability, Readability Formulas, Comprehensibility

Original Articles Analyzing Teacher and Parent Views on the First Literacy Process During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Başak Kasa Ayten & Murat Ercan

pp. 336 - 361   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.19


This study aims to analyze the opinions of primary school teachers and parents about the first literacy process in the 2020-2021 academic year under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The recruits were the 1st-grade teachers in the city center of Malatya for the 2020-2021 academic year and the parents of the students in these classes. The recruits comprised 11 primary school teachers and 31 parents selected by criterion sampling of the purposeful sampling methods. The qualitative research tradition was adopted in the study. The research was designed as a case study. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool, and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The analysis results were categorized into four groups. It was found that teachers had difficulties in the distance education process and could not actively involve students during the courses compared to face to face education. It was stated that teachers, students, and parents experienced adaptation problems during the pandemic and preferred in-person education instead of distanced methods. It was concluded that the parents preferred continuing literacy activities from home via distance education for hygiene during the Covid-19 pandemic, and they supported face to face education after this process. It was suggested that in-service training would be helpful to teachers for literacy education during the Covid-19 pandemic, besides the technological support for distance education infrastructure and guidance activities based on parent-teacher cooperation.

Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Literacy Teaching, Teachers, Parents, Distance Education

Original Articles Towards a Re-conceptualisation of the Role of Teacher Educators in a Changing World: A Critical Pedagogy Perspective

Sibel Akin-Sabuncu

pp. 362 - 378   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.20


This qualitative study examines teacher educators’ articulations about their beliefs and motivations for preparing the next generation of teachers. The study also explores how teacher educators conceptualise their roles as the teachers of prospective teachers. Employing case study design, the participants included 10 teacher educators who serve at a highly selective, public, research university in Turkey. The data were collected through semi-structured and in-depth individual interviews. Adopting critical pedagogy as the theoretical framework, the interviews were analyzed by content analysis method with the help of NVivo 10 qualitative data analysis software. The results showed that the teacher educators specifically saw their roles as enacting change, advocating for democracy, equity, and social justice, and promoting the improvement and welfare of societies, in an effort to bring more emancipatory educational practices in the society through pre-service teacher education. This study furthers our understanding of how teacher education programs could improve their professional preparation and practices to push the agenda for social justice and equity in K-12 schools.

Keywords: Critical Pedagogy, Pre-Service Teacher Education, Teacher Educators

Original Articles Investigating Research Trends on Digital Storytelling: A Bibliometric and Visualized Analysis

Perihan Gülce Özkaya

pp. 379 - 396   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.21


Digital storytelling is a method often preferred in the education process in terms of its appeal to different senses by creating a multimedia environment, and it may also be used in the development of language skills as it often includes both textual and audio elements. The current study investigates the research trends of digital storytelling, which is one of the methods recently preferred for education and for Turkish language skills development, through an examination of the Web of Science (WoS) database. The study was designed as a descriptive study. Data obtained from 545 academic works published within the context of the study were subjected to bibliometric analysis according to six categories; number of articles and citations, most-cited articles, most-used keywords, most influential countries, most influential institutions, and most influential journals. The study also presents bibliometric network maps of the most-cited articles, most-used keywords, as well as the most influential countries, institutions, and journals. The bibliometric analyses and network maps were performed using the VOSviewer_1.6.16 program. The results of the study show that digital storytelling is a method currently preferred in education. It is thought that examining the global trends of studies undertaken on digital storytelling in education will help to guide researchers looking to work on this subject in Turkish language education or in other fields of education.

Keywords: Digital Storytelling, Education, Turkish Language Education, Turkish Language Skills, Bibliometric Analysis

Original Articles Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Digital Culture

Nur Özge Menşan & Şengül Saime Anagün

pp. 397 - 410   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.22


Children born into the digital world and grow up with digital tools begin to surf the internet, download files, play games and engage in many different digital activities from an early age. Because these children who grow up in the digital world are exposed to various digital experiences, their brains are constantly renewed, and children are entirely different from their teachers. This study aims to determine the digital profiles of primary school teachers and reveal their opinions about creating a digital culture environment in their classrooms. The findings obtained from the research showed that the majority of the classroom teachers are digital hybrid, the majority of the others are digital immigrants, and very few are digital natives. When the opinions of primary school teachers on the concept of digital culture are examined, it is seen that each teacher in three profiles has basic information about digital culture. The research results reveal that the majority of participating teachers have a digital hybrid profile, who both adopt the use of digital tools and cannot give up traditional methods.

Keywords: Digital Culture, Digital Immigrant, Digital Hybrid, Digital Native, Primary School Teachers

Original Articles Reformative Shift on Initial Teacher Education in Turkey: From Authority to Autonomy

Semra Tican-Başaran, Bilge Aslan Altan & Kerim Gündoğdu

pp. 411 - 434   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.23


The purpose of the current study is to reveal the opinions and recommendations of the instructors in the field of Curriculum and Instruction regarding the recent reformative shift on initial teacher education in Turkey that is the decision of Turkish Higher Education Council to delegate the authority in developing and updating initial teacher education programs to the teacher education institutions. It is built on the survey design. The participants of the study are the 88 curriculum and instruction specialists from 37 universities in Turkey. The data were collected with an online questionnaire. Results of the study showed that, while the instructors welcome the decision of the Higher Education Council to delegate authority so that autonomy can be given to teacher education institutions within the general framework it has drawn and original contents can be developed, they have concerns that a minimum standard for teacher competencies cannot be achieved through initial teacher education programs with different qualifications. In order to ensure the development and sustainability of authentic initial teacher education programs in the new term, they recommend that the processes be carried out as participatory and transparent as possible, and that curriculum and instruction specialists and departments take an active role as a guide in this journey.

Keywords: Teacher Education, Initial Teacher Education, Initial Teacher Education Programs, Teacher Education Reform, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist

Original Articles A Study of the Effects of Parental Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Parental Emotion Regulation Processes on Adolescent Self-Regulation Skills

Zeynep Gültekin-Ahçı, Seher Akdeniz & Hatice Harmancı

pp. 435 - 447   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.24


Self-regulation is a concept that is frequently studied in the literature and is crucial for humans in their capacity as beings with deliberate will. However, there is a lack of research examining ADHD, which is characterized by difficulties in self-regulation and emotion regulation, particularly in terms of adolescent self-regulation skills via parenting practices. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parents' emotion regulation approaches toward their children and children's self-regulation skills based on a comparison of self-regulation skills in adolescent children of parents who met and did not meet ADHD diagnostic criteria. 572 parents and their 12-15-year-old children took part in the study. The study was designed as a correlational survey model. The data collected from children and their parents who met and did not meet the ADHD diagnostic criteria were compared using the T-test and then subjected to stepwise regression analyses separately. According to the study's findings, the children of parents who met the diagnostic criteria had lower self-regulation success scores than those who did not. The study discovered that avoidance and orientation to a child's emotions by parents who met ADHD diagnostic criteria were determinants of self-regulation failure. Another finding from the study was that avoidance of emotions by parents who met the ADHD diagnostic criteria was negatively related to self-regulation success. The findings for parents who did not meet ADHD diagnostic criteria revealed that no emotion regulation approach of such parents had a significant contribution to self-regulation failure, whereas the emotion orientation approach had a positive and significant contribution to adolescents' self-regulation success. Finally, the study discusses the findings in light of previous research findings and makes some recommendations for future work.

Keywords: Self-Regulation, Adult ADHD, Parental Emotion Regulation

Original Articles The Impact of Cognitive and Affective Components of Test Anxiety on the High-Stakes Exam Performance in 12th Grade Students

Yusuf Ziya Kültür & Bahadır Özcan

pp. 448 - 457   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.25


The high-stakes exams are administered to the candidates to determine their placement into university programs. One of the variables that can influence the performance of high-stake exams is test anxiety. The current study aimed to examine the associations between the cognitive and affective components of test anxiety with the performance of the high-stakes exam (University Entrance Exam [UEE}) in low-achiever, mid-achiever, and high-achiever groups after controlling for gender. The study participants were 264 12th-grade students from schools representing low-, mid-, and high-achievement groups. The findings showed that the cognitive and affective components of test anxiety did not account significantly for the variance of test performance on the UEE controlling for gender in the three groups. However, test anxiety's cognitive and emotional components had negative significant but weak relationships with test performance in only the high-achiever group. Appropriate implications for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers are discussed.

Keywords: Test Anxiety, Test Performance, High School, Affective, Cognitive

Original Articles Society 5.0 in Human Technology Integration: Digital Transformation in Educational Organizations

Zübeyde Yaraş & Fikriye Kanatlı-Öztürk

pp. 458 - 474   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.26


In the conducted study, it was aimed to determine the impacts of Society 5.0 on digital transformation in organizations in human technology integration. For this purpose, answers were sought to the questions of changing positions of people in line with changing business conditions, functions of people in the digital world, changing roles of management and managers, expectations of society from managers, how to establish a balance in organizations in the process of technological integration and change. In this research, which was structured in the “phenomenology” pattern within the framework of basic qualitative research, the study group was determined by using the “convenience sampling” method. In this context, the study group of the research consisted of 50 undergraduate students studying at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Education. As a data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form consisting of five questions was used by the researchers. The data obtained were analysed using the “inductive thematic analysis” method utilize in the analysis of qualitative research. In line with the findings; ıt is among the results that technology affects people’s positions at work, advanced technology products limit people’s functions in society, Society 5.0 creates a need for transformation in the roles of managers, social expectations from managers change in the process of Society 5.0, and organizational balance is crucial for the digital transformation process.

Keywords: Society 5.0, Super-smart Society, Digital Transformation

Original Articles Investigation of Pedagogical Belief Systems and  Teacher Efficacy of Teachers in Turkey

Derya Yüreğilli Göksu & Volkan Duran

pp. 475 - 496   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.426.27


Pedagogical belief systems and the teacher efficacy could be used as a key concept to evaluate the teacher's pedagogical background. Therefore, this study aims to examine pedagogical belief systems and the teacher efficacy of teachers, especially in science and art centers (BİLSEM). The sample of the study consists of 388 teachers were selected by convenience sampling method. The findings of the study show that the gender and experience variables don’t make any significant difference in teacher’s pedagogical belief systems and teacher efficacy. Besides affiliation variable makes a significant difference in teacher’s pedagogical belief systems but make no significant difference in their teacher efficacy except for their teaching skills. Independent variable importance analysis shows that affiliation is the most important factor for pedagogical belief systems in comparison to experience and gender dimensions. Independent variable importance analysis shows that experience is the most important factor for teacher efficacy in comparison to experience and gender dimensions. Independent variable importance shows that the most important factor is the guidance for sub-dimensions of teacher efficacy in terms of neural networks for explaining pedagogical belief systems. The second one is the assessment and evaluation and motivation. Moreover, all the sub-dimensions of the learner-centered approach are in low level positive significant correlations with the pedagogical belief systems. But no correlation is found with the teacher-centered approach except assessment and evaluation dimension. According to the findings, the learner-centered approach is the most important dimension of pedagogical belief systems in terms of neural networks for explaining teacher efficacy. Therefore a new model was created based on this fact so that path analysis results show that there is a causal connection from learner-centered approach to guidance, behavioral-ınstructional-management, motivation, and teaching skills dimensions to some extend.

Keywords: Pedagogical Belief Systems, Teacher Efficacy, Teachers working in BILSEM, Special Education

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