International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Volume 6 Issue 3 (October 2010)

Issue Information

Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles

Majority Teachers’ Perceptions of Urban Adolescents and  Their  Abilities:  Probes from Self-Reflection and Teacher   Autobiographies

Immaculée Harushimana

pp. 6 - 25


This article presents a small scale, qualitative study of nine majority alternate-route teachers and the perceptions they hold about themselves as urban educators and their urban students’ academic abilities. Data for this study was collected through self- reflective, written interviews and meta-reflective responses to two published teacher autobiographies. Culture shock theory was used to understand the evolution of the participants’ perceptions through the responses they provided. The study’s findings revealed that the participants underwent positive changes in their perceptions of themselves as urban educators and of their urban students’ academic abilities. Implications highlight the value of using published teacher autobiographies in urban teacher education.

Keywords: alternate-route teachers, autobiography, in-service teachers, majority teachers, pre-service teachers, urban adolescents, teacher perception, teacher education

A Participatory Action Research Study of Nature Education in Nature: Towards Community-based  Eco-pedagogy

Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Sukran Yalcin-Ozdilek, Emel Okur, Zeynep Cetinkaya & Selcuk Uygun

pp. 26 - 37


Contemporary nature education is exploring different ways to develop awareness for change and initiate action. Such educational activities  go  beyond  creating understanding and awareness in order to develop a sense  of  commitment  for  individual and collective action. This participatory action research study aimed to improve teachers’ sensitiveness towards nature, and to achieve environmental literacy and sustainability by inspiring community action and educational opportunities that support sustainable and thriving environments for a Community-based Eco-pedagogy. The study further explores the possibilities of helping the adults -through communication and collaboration with each other and their communities  to  re-  evaluate and discover the diversity and importance of their surrounding environment while utilizing pedagogical strategies which will involve the participants to  the  in- depth study of the nature, history, the culture, the traditional customs, and the natural environment.

Keywords: Eco-pedagogy, Participatory action research, Community

Geography Teachers’ Usage of The Internet For Education   Purposes

Adem Sezer

pp. 38 - 59


The purpose of this study is to determine geography teachers’ use of the Internet for education purposes and the extent to which Turkish Internet sites can fulfill the needs and requirements of geography teachers’ Internet usage. Research is carried out using the screening method. Data were collected by means of a measurement tool that was developed by the researcher (questionnaire form) over the Internet. The study group consists of 174 teachers, who filled out and submitted the questionnaire on avolunteer basis,  and all participants were  members of an Internet forum, “Geography Teachers   of Turkey” (Turkiye Cografya Ögretmenleri), that was created for the purpose of information sharing among geography teachers.  Frequency,  percentage  correlation,  and arithmetic mean were used, as appropriate, for the purpose of analyzing the data. Study results indicate that geography teachers use the Internet most frequently for the purpose of geography education in order to acquire documents that can be used in teaching geography. The study further indicates that  geography  teachers  least frequently for purpose of classroom applications with direct Internet use and for assessing students’ studies.

Keywords: Geography, Geography teachers, Teaching geography, Internet

Identifying students’ learning style preferences regarding some variables in the EFL classroom: The case of  Turkey

Cevdet Yılmaz, & Salih Zeki Genç

pp. 51 - 64


During the past decade, the identification of students’ learning style preferences has gained importance in educational research. This study aimed at identifying the individual perceptions of the learner style preferences of Turkish EFL learners. Using learning style preference categories and a 28-item language learning preference questionnaire adopted from Willing, the authors focussed on a group of 60 students at the ELT Department, Onsekiz Mart University. As a further step, the emphasis was   also placed on the variables such as sex, attendance to prep class and  schools  graduated. In doing so, the study sought to find out  whether  these  variables  were likely to have an impact on students’ learning style preferences. Results showed the learning preferences of students in different learning style preference categories.  The data obtained also revealed that a meaningful correlation was found with regard to the difference between the schools graduated and students’ perceptions of learning style preferences.

Keywords: Learning Style, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Turkish Students

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