International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2010, Vol. 6(3) 6-25

Majority Teachers’ Perceptions of Urban Adolescents and  Their  Abilities:  Probes from Self-Reflection and Teacher   Autobiographies

Immaculée Harushimana

pp. 6 - 25   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2010.002

Published online: October 15, 2010  |   Number of Views: 100  |  Number of Download: 407


This article presents a small scale, qualitative study of nine majority alternate-route teachers and the perceptions they hold about themselves as urban educators and their urban students’ academic abilities. Data for this study was collected through self- reflective, written interviews and meta-reflective responses to two published teacher autobiographies. Culture shock theory was used to understand the evolution of the participants’ perceptions through the responses they provided. The study’s findings revealed that the participants underwent positive changes in their perceptions of themselves as urban educators and of their urban students’ academic abilities. Implications highlight the value of using published teacher autobiographies in urban teacher education.

Keywords: alternate-route teachers, autobiography, in-service teachers, majority teachers, pre-service teachers, urban adolescents, teacher perception, teacher education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Harushimana, I. (2010). Majority Teachers’ Perceptions of Urban Adolescents and  Their  Abilities:  Probes from Self-Reflection and Teacher   Autobiographies . International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(3), 6-25.

Harushimana, I. (2010). Majority Teachers’ Perceptions of Urban Adolescents and  Their  Abilities:  Probes from Self-Reflection and Teacher   Autobiographies . International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(3), pp. 6-25.

Chicago 16th edition
Harushimana, Immaculée (2010). "Majority Teachers’ Perceptions of Urban Adolescents and  Their  Abilities:  Probes from Self-Reflection and Teacher   Autobiographies ". International Journal of Progressive Education 6 (3):6-25.

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