Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Separate but Equal: Segregated Religious Education in Egypt’s Public Schools
John Isaac pp. 6 - 21 Abstract The Arab Spring exposed the hidden secrets of Egyptian society to the global community. In spite of the insatiable media attention paid to the Mubarak regime and the toll it took on the entire country, Egypt’s education system received little attention. For decades, Egypt’s public schools have forced students to attend segregated classes, based on an individual’s religious and ethnic background. Egypt’s Coptic community constitutes approximately 10 percent of the population yet members of this community must designate their religious affiliation and, as a result, students adhering to the Christian faith are given a separate religious education. Also, students identifying as Muslim must attend a course on Islam. This dichotomous system instills a sense of other in students at a young age, thereby promoting tension between the two communities. Phronetic research methods will be utilized in this study to chart a new direction for Egypt’s public education system. Keywords: Religious Education, Arab Spring, Egypt’s education system | |
Original Articles The Relationship Between the Individual Values and Critical Thinking Skills of Prospective Social Sciences Teachers
Ahmet Nalcaci pp. 22 - 34 Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the individual values and critical thinking skills of prospective social sciences teachers. The sample of the research is composed of a total of 298 prospective teachers, who are first-year, second-year, third-year and fourth-year students. These prospective teachers were randomly selected using the stratified sampling method which is one of the random sampling methods via the maximum variation sampling method in purposive sampling. The data of the study have been obtained using a Personal Values Scale and Critical Thinking Scale. In view of the research findings, a positive significant result has been obtained among the scores for the critical thinking and personal values factor perceived by the prospective teachers. Moreover, it has been observed that personal values factors collectively predict 42% of the critical thinking score. Keywords: Critical Thinking, Personal Values, Prospective Teacher | |
Review Articles A Review of Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The Flat World and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future. NY: Teachers College Press.
Josh DeSantis pp. 35 - 38 Abstract Keywords: |