Volume 14 Issue 4 (August 2018)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154



Original Articles Views of Instructors about Academic Productivity

Nazife Karadağ

pp. 1 - 14   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.1


The purpose of the study is to determine the views of the instructors about the experiences they have during the international publishing in terms of academic productivity.  The study aims to reveal the problems the instructors experience during the publication process in international journal indexes and in the journals like SSCI, SCI and AHCI and to determine the needs of the instructors in order them to succeed in this process.  In the study, one of the qualitative methods, phenomenological research design was used. The study group consists of 15 instructors determined by criterion sampling within the purposive sampling methods. The basic criterion in determining the study group is that the instructors should complete the doctoral degree in Turkey in the last 10 years or abroad and they should have international publications. The data of the study were collected with semi-structured interview forms. based on the sub-problems of the study and the interviews with the instructors, the following issues were discussed about: the purposes of the instructors in overseas publishing,  their experiences in international publishing, the factors motivating themselves for international publishing, if there is, the reason why they didn’t want to publish in foreign countries and somehow the reason why they didn’t want to publish in the journals in the country, the difficulties they encountered with during the process of international publishing, the strategies  they followed during the publication and their recommendations for the researches who wish to make publishing abroad. 

Keywords: Productivity, academic productivity, higher education

Original Articles A Qualitative Study to Determine Expectations of Students Studying at a Faculty of Tourism from Vocational English Course

Selda Özer

pp. 15 - 25   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.2


The aim of the research is to determine the expectations of the students studying at Faculty of Tourism from the Vocational English course. Qualitative research method, phenomenological design and convenient sampling technique were used in the research. Study group included the students who study at two departments, Tourism Management and Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, at a Faculty of Tourism in Turkey and who take Vocational English course for the first time. The study group was determined purposefully in that the researcher would teach Vocational English to the students in 2017-2018 fall semester. The students who attended the course in the first week of the semester participated in the study voluntarily. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The findings of the study showed that the expectations of students from vocational English course clustered around four main themes as objectives, content, teaching-learning process and assessment.

Keywords: Expectation, qualitative study, Faculty of Tourism, vocational English course.

Original Articles Digital Literacy Perceptions of the Students in the Department of Computer Technologies Teaching and Turkish Language Teaching

Mehtap Özden

pp. 26 - 36   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.3


The rapid spread of information with the wide use of the printing press has gained momentum in the 21st century as digital texts have become widespread. Reading is among the major abilities educated individuals are expected to hold and Turkish language teachers are looked to in the acquisition of this ability. Besides, computer technologies teachers are expected to teach how to use digital devices. To fulfill this duty, they are required to have developed a high level of digital literacy. The present study aims to determine and compare the perceptions of prospective teachers of computer technologies and Turkish languages. This descriptive study follows a survey model.. The population of the study comprises the students at a university located in western Turkey and the sample consists of the first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year prospective teachers of Turkish Language and Computer Technologies. The results revealed that the students in the department of Turkish Language Teaching and of Computer Technologies Teaching considered that they were sufficient enough in the attitudinal, technical, cognitive, and social sub-dimensions and differences were observed only in the sociability sub-dimension to favor the male students. Interdepartmental differences were observed in terms of the attitude and sociability sub-domains in favor of computer technologies students and statistically significant differences were found between the scores concerning the freshman and senior undergraduates of both departments.

Keywords: Prospective Turkish language teacher, prospective computer technologies teacher, digital literacy

Original Articles Engineering Major Students' Perceptions of Nanotechnology

Hasan Yolcu & Melissa A. Dyehouse

pp. 37 - 51   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.4


Nanotechnology will be among the most needed workforce areas in the near future. It is also a creative and highly dynamic field of innovative research areas that displays numerous open fields for future graduates. The central thesis of this paper is to better understand undergraduate engineering students’ awareness, exposure, and motivation towards nanotechnology, how those constructs correlate with each other, and whether there are differences by gender or year of study. This exploratory study used mixed methods to answer the research question. Results revealed that engineering students have more motivation to pursue further nanotechnology knowledge or study than they have exposure or awareness about nanotechnology. The results showed that male students have more awareness about nanotechnology than female students. Educational implications are that it is necessary to provide students with more opportunities to learn about and study nanotechnology during their undergraduate experience. While students are interested in learning more, their current levels of awareness and exposure may hold them back in pursuing nanotechnology-related careers.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, Engineering students, Perception

Original Articles Gifted Students' Perception of the IBDP and National Programme, and the Effects of these Programmes on their Academic Achievement: A Review within the Context of Turkey

Feyzullah Şahin

pp. 52 - 69   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.5


The general objective of this study was to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the national curriculum and IBDP according to the perception of gifted students, and to determine the effects of the programmes on the academic achievement of the aforementioned students. Data was collected with an information form. It was found significant difference between mean scores of English and the grade point average in respect of the IBDP students. The students of the IBDP mentioned the advantages of the programme, such as exploring skill areas, the opportunity to study abroad, acquiring self-discipline, developing awareness of responsibility, and developing creative and critical thinking ability. The national curriculum was criticized in terms of being based on competition and rote learning, not having the opportunity for practice, impairing creative and critical thinking skills, being an exam-oriented system, and requiring extensive daily study workload.

Keywords: International Baccalareate, gifted, Turkish national programme, GPA, achievement.

Original Articles Pre-Service Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Specialized Content Knowledge: The Case of Integer Addition and Subtraction

Ali Sabri İpek

pp. 70 - 84   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.6


Pre-service mathematics teachers’ content knowledge is an important issue. Therefore, detailed studies are needed to be conducted on mathematical topics. The study examines preservice elementary mathematics teachers’ (PEMTs) special content knowledge (SCK) of integer addition and subtraction in the context of using multiple representations, explaining mathematical reasons lying behind the concepts and justifying them. The findings obtained from the written responses of 42 PEMTs reveal that preservice teachers do not have sufficient and balanced special content knowledge. This is especially more so in the case of addition and subtraction of numbers with opposite signs. The preservice teachers were observed to have more difficulty in using the number line model compared to the use of other representations. The findings offer some indicators about how PEMTs understand integer addition and subtraction through multiple representations and why more emphasis on the SCK components

Keywords: Specialized content knowledge, Integer addition and subtraction, Pre-service elementary mathematics teachers

Original Articles The Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Researchand Academic Dishonesty Tendencies of Pre-service Teachers

Adnan Taşgın

pp. 85 - 96   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.7


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the research attitudes of the pre-service teachers and their academic dishonesty tendencies. This study employs a quantitative method with a correlational design consisting of 659 volunteer pre-service teachers from the faculty of education of a state university in East of Turkey. The data of the study were gathered through "Attitudes toward Research Scale" and "Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale". The analysis of the obtained data showed that there is a significant difference between the two genders in favor of the female pre-service teachers on both the attitudes towards research and the tendency of academic dishonesty. It was found that the academic dishonesty tendencies of the senior year pre-service teachers are higher than that of the sophomore year pre-service teachers. There is a negative meaningful relationship between the academic dishonesty tendencies of the pre-service teachers and their attitudes towards the research.

Keywords: Attitude towards research, academic dishonesty, pre-service teachers

Original Articles Opinions of Turkish Language Teacher Candidates on a Primary-level Reading and Writing Teaching Course: A Qualitative Study

Funda Örge Yaşar

pp. 97 - 110   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.8


The purpose of this study was to reveal prospective Turkish Language teachers’ views on the primary level Reading and Writing course they take at university. Employing the qualitative research method, data were collected from participants by administering a semi-structured interview form with six open-ended questions that was prepared and administered to the participants by the researcher. Findings obtained were then interpreted under six individual themes. Based on the results of this research, it can be argued that the prospective teachers selected the course mostly to benefit their personal and professional development. They believed in the need to make the lesson compulsory, deemed the course effective, and they regarded using audio-visual and technology-supported materials as important. However, they faced certain problems on the course due to a number of factors stemming from the insufficiency of the physical setting and equipment, inadequacy of total course hours, special features of consonants, change of format in writing activities, characteristics of students to whom they showed their presentations, and challenges experienced in material design.

Keywords: Primary Level Reading and Writing Course, Department of Turkish Education, Prospective Turkish Language Teachers, Qualitative Research

Original Articles High School Students' Images of Physicists

Ümmü Gülsüm Durukan & Günay Paliç Şadoğlu

pp. 111 - 125   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.9


The aim of this study is to reveal the high school students’ images of physicists. Participants of this study consisted of 85 students in a high school in a province center on the East Black Sea Region of Turkey. The data were obtained by adapting the “Draw A Scientist Test” developed by Chambers (1983) and updated by Song & Kim (1999) to “Draw A Physicist Test”. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis. In this study, it was determined that most of the high school students described a scientist as male, 40-49 years old, wearing sports/daily clothes, wearing glasses, looking happy, working individually, and teaching in class. It was seen that students often drew or described scientists by thinking of their own physics teachers. For this reason, it is suggested that more activities with the topic of physicist should be included in the curricula, textbooks, and course contents in order to create a more accurate perception of physicist in high school students.

Keywords: High school students, physicist, image

Original Articles Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Perceptions about Visually Impaired Persons

Tuğba Horzum

pp. 126 - 143   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.154.10


The aim of this study is to determine what perceptions preservice mathematics teachers have about visually impaired persons and their environments. Seventy volunteer preservice mathematics teachers participated in the study. In this qualitative research, data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and “Draw a Visually Impaired Person and his/her Environment-DAVIPE” test. The results showed that perceptions of preservice mathematics teachers on visually impaired persons are in five different categories as outdoor environment, indoor environment, abstract environment, dark environment and aid-available environment. Besides, it was also determined that perceptions of preservice mathematics teachers on visually impaired persons have six different sources such as physical, emotional, sensorial, environmental, educational and mental. According to this, visually impaired persons are generally the people who can move freely with white canes, wear glasses, are happy, have improved auditory and tactual senses, and have easy lives with proper environmental arrangements, however, suffer from difficulties from insensitivities of other people, for whom accessible educational environments should be provided, and who have a rich dream world.

Keywords: visually impaired person, preservice mathematics teacher, perception, equity in education

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