Volume 16 Issue 6 (December 2020)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280



Original Articles Visually Impaired Mentally Sighted: An Inclusive Education Case

Bünyamin Bavlı, Mithat Korumaz & Erdoğan Akar

pp. 1 - 14   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.1


This research was carried out as part of an Erasmus + project called “Visually Impaired Mentally Sighted” targeting to improve the conditions and materials used in the educational environment and to develop personal and professional skills of the school staff. This qualitative study employed descriptive case study design. The study involved 16 participants in total including visually impaired students, teachers and the principal from the high school which is the coordinator institution of the project. The researchers conducted two semi-structured focus group interviews with the participant teachers, one focus group interview with participant students and a face-to-face interview with the school principal. The data were analysed according to content analysis. The researchers created four themes as follows; ‘consciousness’, ‘professional development’, ‘teaching materials’ and ‘motivation’. That means students in this case study increased their motivation at school. Also, teachers realized that there is a key area for their professional development. At the same time, the importance of using inclusive educational materials that enable disabled students to access education became apparent.

Keywords: Visually Impaired Students, Inclusive Education, Teachers’ Professional Development, Consciousness

Original Articles A Review of Meta-Analysis Articles in Educational Sciences Conducted Between 2010 and 2019 in Turkey

Mehmet Taha Eser & Meltem Yurtçu

pp. 15 - 32   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.2


This study examines meta-analysis studies published in the field of educational sciences from 2010–2019, in journals indexed within the scope of the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Directory. Of the 163 studies scanned, 26 meta-analysis studies that meet the inclusion criteria constitute the sample of this content analysis study. Within this research, a meta-analysis control form (MACF) developed by the researchers was used. The coding made by each of the two researchers has been considered, and it is concluded that the coherence between the codings was is sufficient (82%). The results of this research indicate that the most obvious problems in meta-analysis studies are: not establishing hypotheses; not calculating reliability between encoders; not using a flow chart (in terms of traceability); the use of commercial software in the analysis; not combining effect sizes on a common metric; use of the fail-safe N in determining publication bias; evaluation of I2 on the basis of categories; and decision making according to the result of the heterogeneity test in model determination. It is thought that the current study will contribute methodologically to the avoidance of errors in future meta-analysis studies.

Keywords: Meta-analysis, Methodology, Content analysis,

Original Articles Instructional Design Considerations for Flipped Classroom

Abdullah Arslan

pp. 33 - 59   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.3


As technological advancements continue to revolutionise the realm of education, use of technology in both K-12 and university classrooms paves the way for making flipped classroom a trending pedagogical model. Flipping a course simply means reversing a traditional model of in-class lecture followed by practice and homework.  Research has shown that use of flipped classroom holds promise for students’ success and satisfaction as long as curricular activities of a flipped course are designed and sequenced through some steps depending on tenets and nature of flipped classroom as well as principles of instructional design models. This study aims to shed light on some considerations for designing content, pedagogy, materials, delivery, and assessment prior to flipping a course. Each step in the process of flipping a course is therefore explicated through a systematic review of 78 studies that focus on implementations of flipped classroom in K-12 and university classrooms.

Keywords: Flipped Classroom, Instructional Design, Course Content, Blended Learning

Original Articles Examining the Thoughts of 60-72 Month-Old Children's Fathers on the Concept of Value and the Processes of Having Values Acquired to their Children

Betül Gümüşçü & Murat Bartan

pp. 60 - 78   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.4


This research was conducted to examine the thoughts of the fathers of 60-72 month-old children about the concept of the value and the processes of having values acquired to their children. The research was carried out by adopting the phenomenological method, which is one of the qualitative research methods. In the study, the data were collected through a semi-structured interview form. The study group of the study consisted of 14 fathers whose children were educated in kindergarten in the 2019-2020 academic year. Content analysis was applied to analyse the data. As a result of the research, it was concluded that fathers define the value as the principles which can guide life and see the purpose of values education as continuing culture and ensure social reconciliation. It was concluded that fathers attach importance to the concept of the value and that they attach more importance to moral, national cultural and religious values within values. The fathers stated that they tried to convey the values as role models and with plain expression. In the process of having values acquired to their children, they stated that they mostly used books, games and cartoons. They stated that the problems they experienced in values education arose from the fact that they could not allocate enough time for their children and lack of knowledge, and negative examples and mass media in the society negatively affected the value education process. It was concluded that fathers considered the school and teacher as important in the education of values and that they cared to cooperate with their spouses. In line with the results of the research, in order for fathers to realize their role and responsibilities in bringing value to their children and to have the knowledge, it was suggested that studies should be conducted and seminars should be given by the field experts and social environments where fathers can share their values with their children should be supported.

Keywords: Father, Preschool Education, Value Education

Original Articles Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers’ Metaphorical Perceptions of Social Media Platforms

Kenan Bulut

pp. 79 - 93   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.5


The aim of this study was to determine pre-service Turkish Language teachers’ metaphorical perceptions of social media platforms. Phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design, was used in the study. The sample consisted of 70 first-, second-, third- and fourth- grade students of the Department of Turkish Language Education of the Faculty of Education of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. Data were collected using a form developed to help participants write metaphors on their minds and to express themselves clearly. The form consisted of a statement in the form of “Social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.) are like… because…,” of which participants were asked to fill in the blanks to find out exactly to what they compared social media platforms and why. Data were analyzed using content analysis, which is a qualitative analysis method. Participants generated 73 metaphors, 67 of which were accepted as valid. The most frequently used metaphors were drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and sources of information. The metaphors were grouped under ten conceptual categories; addictive, harmful, pros and cons, communication, unnecessary and useless, useful, necessity, vastness, trap, and other. The categories of addictive (22.38%) and harmful (22.38%) had the largest percentages. Of all metaphors, 37 (55.2%) were negative while 16 (23.88%) positive. Suggestions were made at the end of the study.

Keywords: Social Media Platforms, Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers, Metaphor

Original Articles Use of Smartphones in Class: Examining the Relationship Between M-Learning Readiness, Cyberloafing, Nomophobia and Addiction Variables

Ali İbrahim Can Gözüm, Raziye Erkul & Nur Aksoy

pp. 94 - 120   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.6


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between pre-service preschool teachers' mobile-learning (m-learning) readiness, cyberloafing, nomophobiaand smartphone addiction variables. The study was carried out using 306 pre-service preschool teachers undergoing education at state-run universities in two different cities in Turkey. The most critical conclusion of the study is that the smartphones used by pre-service preschool teachers both for m-learning and for cyberloafing in class have an impact on nomophobia and smartphone addiction. In the study, the effects of smartphone usage on both the learning environment and the individual were discussed in accordance with the proposed model. Suggestions for the use of smartphones were made in line with the study's conclusions.

Keywords: M-Learning Readiness, Smartphone Cyberloafing, Smartphone Nomophobia, Smartphone Addiction, Pre-service Preschool Teachers

Original Articles The Relationship Between Pre-Service Turkish Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Creative Drama Method and Their Self-Efficacy Perception: The Case of Muğla Sitki Koçman University

Didem Çetin

pp. 121 - 135   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.7


The purpose of the current study employing the relational survey model is to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of the pre-service teachers attending the Turkish Teaching Department of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University towards the creative drama method and their self-efficacy perceptions. As the data collection tools, the “Scale of Self-Efficacy Perception of Using the Creative Drama Method” developed by Can and Cantürk Günhan (2009) and the “Creative Drama Attitude Scale” developed by Okvuran (2000) were used in the current study. The population of the study is comprised of 123 third-year and fourth-year students who have taken the course of “Theatre and Drama Applications” and the data collection tools were administered to 106 students from among these 123 students as they were available. After the invalid scales were eliminated, the analyses were conducted on the scales of 84 students. Correlation analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the creative drama method and self-efficacy perceptions and descriptive statistics and independent samples t-test were used to determine whether the pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the creative drama and their self-efficacy perceptions vary significantly depending on gender, grade level and whether having taken any creative drama training other than the course of “Theatre and Drama Applications”. The results of the analyses have revealed that there is a high, positive and significant correlation between the pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the creative drama method and their self-efficacy perception of using the creative drama method. Moreover, the pre-service teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy perceptions were found to be not varying significantly depending on gender and grade level. While the pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions were found to be not varying significantly depending on whether having taken any other creative drama training other than the course of “Theatre and Drama Applications”, their attitudes towards the creative drama method were found to be varying significantly depending on whether having taken any drama training other than the course of “Theatre and Drama Applications” in favour of those having taken such training.

Keywords: Creative Drama, Attitude, Self-Efficacy Perception, Pre-Service Turkish Teachers

Original Articles Determining the Qualifications of the Secondary School Students in the Field of Quadrilaterals: A Scale Development Study

Serhan Ulusan, Duygu Dinamit & Gökhan Aksu

pp. 136 - 150   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.8


Testing-assessment is needed to determine whether the education process is successful or at what level. For this reason, it is of great importance to determine the achievement level of the students at the secondary level. The purpose of this study is to develop an achievement test consisting of multiple choice questions about ‘quadrilateral’ subject of secondary school students by using alternative assessment techniques. The study group of this research, which is a descriptive survey type, consists of 372 secondary school students who are in the seventh grade in Aydın and Muğla during the 2018-2019 academic year. In the study, ITEMAN, SPSS and JMETRIK programs were used based on Classical Test Theory and Material Testing Theory. The formed item pool was subjected to the appearance validity by five trainers, who are experts in that field. According to the experts’ opinions, it was decided that for the achievement test, 28 items were to be included in the test primarily. It was decided as a result of analysis of the data obtained from the students that an item with very low item-specificity index, four items that do not provide model data compliance in Rasch analysis  and two items identified to have item bias may be excluded from the test were excluded from the test. After these processes, the final testing tool consisted of 21 items and the average difficulty index of the test was .64; the discrimination index was calculated as .40. The Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient of the final state was determined as .81. According to these results, it can be said that the achievement test has sufficient validity and reliability.

Keywords: Quadrilateral, Hierarchy, Success, Test development, Testing , Rasch

Original Articles Examination of the Teachers Multicultural Perceptions: Sample of Hatay Province

Ali Mazı

pp. 151 - 163   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.9


The objective of this research is to evaluate the multicultural perceptions of teachers working in Hatay city in terms of various variables. The study was carried out in the descriptive survey model, and the population consists of teachers working in different schools in the city of Hatay during the 2017–2018 academic year. The sample of the study comprises of a total 300 teachers, 136 male and 164 female, who were randomly selected. In the study, along with ‘Multiculturalism Perception Scale’ (MPS) composed of 25 items and developed by Ayaz (2016), “Personal Information Form”, which aims to determine the demographic characteristics of teachers, and which was developed by the researcher, were used.  Subsequently, for the identified sub-objectives; the arithmetic mean was used to specify the teachers' perceptions of multiculturalism; independent groups t-test to identify the relevance with gender variable and ANOVA were used to examine the relationship between age, branch and school type variables. Data was analysed using SPSS 21 and Mplus 7 programs. In order to examine teachers' multicultural perception levels in terms of various variables, t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were applied. In conclusion, it was discovered that teachers' perceptions of multiculturalism did not change statistically according to gender and age variables, but it was found that there was a statistically significant change according to branch and school type variables. A statistically significant difference between teachers' perceptions of multiculturalism was found only among preschool teachers and branch teachers. According to the school type variable, teachers' perceptions of multiculturalism differed significantly only between preschool and secondary school teachers.

Keywords: Multiculturalism, Perception of Multiculturalism, Teacher

Original Articles Teacher Opinions on the Use of Educational Games in Social Studies Course

Tugba Somen & Meral Metin Goksu

pp. 164 - 183   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.10


Current developments have led teachers to use different methods and techniques in their instruction processes. When it is considered that student-centred instruction methods and techniques are more effective, it is important to include methods and techniques that will make students more active and ensure their active participation in the instruction process. One of these techniques is educational games. The objective of this study is to obtain the views of social studies teachers about using educational games. This study used a qualitative approach. The study group consisted of 15 social studies teachers working in the secondary schools of Kars, Turkey. The data were collected with a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers. In order to explain the collected qualitative data and to determine the relationships, the explanatory and deductive codes that emerged during the analysis were used. Based on the data obtained, it was found out that the social studies teachers thought that educational games were a technique which provided a more permanent learning environment with fun. It was also determined that the social studies teachers believed that educational games should be entertaining, instructive, and suitable for students’ levels and related to class topics and that using the educational game technique was beneficial for supporting the permanence of social studies instruction processes, active student participation, and strengthening the gained knowledge. Based on these results, the researchers recommended to improve educational games by deploying them in a more effective manner and including them more frequently.

Keywords: Social Studies Course, Educational Games, Teacher

Original Articles A Multidimensional Approach to the Problems Experienced by the Classroom Teachers With Syrian Students in Their Classes

Mevlüt Kara & Mehmet Özenç

pp. 184 - 201   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.11


The aim of this research is to identify the problems experienced by the classroom teachers who have Syrian students in their classes. This research was designed according to the survey model. The population of the research consisted of classroom teachers working in Nizip district of Gaziantep within 2019-2020 academic year. Criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used to determine the sampling. The sampling of the study consisted of 361 classroom teachers working in Nizip district and having Syrian students enrolled in their classes. The data of the research were collected by a survey with 33 items that was prepared by the researchers and consisted of classroom management, communication, academic achievement, and family dimensions. The data collected within the scope of the research were analyzed using the SPSS program. Percentage, frequency, arithmetic mean and standard deviation calculations were made in the analysis of the data. In the classroom management dimension, teachers were identified to have problems due to the registering of Syrian students in the middle of the semester, enrolling of Syrian students in classes that did not comply with their development levels, and increase in their class sizes due to Syrian students. In the communication dimension, it was determined that Syrian students had a problem of understanding and being understood due to language differences, which was problem for teachers. In terms of academic success, teachers were found to experience problems due to the inability of Syrian students to internalize subjects as well as because of their absenteeism. In the family dimension, It was determined that teachers were not provided with adequate support due to the education levels of parents of Syrian students. In the light of the findings and results obtained, suggestions were developed for implementers and researchers.

Keywords: Syria, Syrian, Student, Classroom Teacher, Immigrant, Problem

Original Articles The Opinions of the Classroom Teachers about the Enrichment Educational Programs for Gifted Students Who Continue to the Inclusive Classes

Tansel Yazıcıoğlu & Deniz Akdal

pp. 202 - 214   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.12


The enrichment model is a model that aims to be used in the education of gifted children and is based on the development of some additional programs for children. Enrichment educational programs (EEP) consist of high-level content products and processes which are designed to develop problem solving skills, to support creativity and independent learning and which are based on the individualized programs and teaching. The aim of this study is to determine the views of the classroom teachers about the EEPs designed for gifted students who continue their education through inclusion in primary schools. Therefore, the case study model, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. The participants of the study are ten primary school teachers who taught gifted students. The data were collected using the “Semi-structured interview form” which was developed by the authors. The findings of the research show that the teachers do not have knowledge about the EEP practices in general. Therefore, there is a need for the support of the field experts in the planning and implementation of the EEPs.

Keywords: Gifted Children, Enrichment Educational Programs, Inclusive Education

Original Articles Experiences of Primary School Teachers Regarding to Teaching Turkish to Students who are not Native Turkish Speakers: A Phenomenology

Özlem Yıldız Çelik & Hülya Kodan

pp. 215 - 230   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.13


The study aims is to determine the experiences of primary school teachers in terms of teaching Turkish to the students who are not native Turkish speakers. In the study, phenomenology pattern, one of the qualitative research patterns, was used. Participants were determined by the criterion-based sampling method. The participants of the research consisted of 36 primary school teachers who had Syrian and Afghan refugees in their class. The research data were collected through a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data. It was observed that most of the participants felt insufficient in teaching Turkish to students who had different native languages, had problems in applying, measuring and evaluating teaching methods and course activities, and had language problems with them. In the study, the difficulties experienced in teaching Turkish to Syrian and Afghan refugee students who were not native Turkish speakers were presented and the suggestions about what to do in the education process related to these difficulties were provided. It was concluded that in the education process of the teachers, students and families should take Turkish language courses. Moreover, in addition to the Turkish courses in teaching Turkish, it was reported that the primary school teachers stated that it would be helpful to do social activities with students who have language problems, to provide counseling services for them, and to prearrange distribution of the students to each classroom. It was concluded that special activities should be carried out in the verbal communication learning area.

Keywords: Teaching Turkish, Students Who are Not Native Turkish Speakers, Primary School Teachers

Original Articles Examination of Abstracts Presented at the 6th International Preschool Education Congress

Servet Kardeş

pp. 231 - 244   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.14


The purpose of this study is to examine the abstracts in 6th International Preschool Education Congress abstract book in terms of research subject, method, model, sample type, data collection tools, data analysis techniques, validity and reliability. This study is a qualitative study and was conducted using document analysis, which is one of the qualitative research methods. 295 papers in the abstract book of the 6th International Preschool Education Congress held in Kars, Turkey were included in this study. Each abstract consists of at least 500 words in the 1206 pages abstract book. Descriptive analysis, one of the qualitative data analysis techniques, was used in data analysis. The data obtained in the study were visualized through graphics. As a result of the study, it was determined that child development, teacher training, educational environments, education programs and family participation were most studied in the abstract of the papers. It was concluded that quantitative and qualitative methods were preferred in the studies, but the mixed method was not preferred by the researchers. Preschool children, teachers, parents and prospective teachers were most studied as sample groups. It was observed that there are a few studies conducted with faculty members and administrators. The quantitative research mostly used the screening/descriptive design; the experimental designs were very low and longitudinal studies are not preferred. In qualitative research, case study design is generally preferred. Scale and interview forms were the most used data collection tools. It was concluded that correlational analysis and content analysis are the most used data analysis techniques. It was determined that the use of advanced statistical techniques is very low. Also the validity and reliability information is generally not available in the abstracts. It was concluded that ¼ of the abstracts in the congress abstract book do not include any results and conclusion.

Keywords: Preschool Education, Congress Abstract, Paper Analysis

Original Articles The Problem of Education between Ontology and Epistemology and Application of Kierkegaard Thought to the Problem

Olcay Bayraktar & Mehmet Ali Dombaycı

pp. 245 - 272   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.15


Ontology and epistemology are two different basic disciplines of philosophy. In the course of philosophy history, the priority given to these two different disciplines varied between antique age and middle age and modern era. For sure, this central change was realized in the basis of the connection made by philosophers with metaphysics. The change in question is of power to influence human life in many aspects. As for education, it is a field prone to such kind of influences. Existentialism and existentialist philosophers are aware of this course of events in the history of philosophy. Kierkegaard is a philosopher coming to the forefront with his different stand in the modern era. The fact that he regards human being as an existence of synthesis and his style of approaching to the field of faith gave him an opportunity to examine philosophical problems on the ground of metaphysics and ontology. In the current study, the change in question will be evaluated with its dimensions reflected on education. Kierkegaard thought will be taken into consideration in order to answer the problem with a more holistic mind instead of producing some solutions-in-pieces. In this sense, related documents will be analysed in line with the above-mentioned problem and with its dimension related to education.

Keywords: Education, Ontology, Epistemology, Kierkegaard

Original Articles The Investigation of Children’s Persistent and Reactive Behavior With Respect to Parenting Attitudes

İsa Kaya

pp. 273 - 282   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.16


The aim of the current study is to investigate the contributions of maternal attitudes to children’s persistent and reactive behaviors. The study sample is made up of 202 preschoolers aged 48-72 months and their mothers. A demographic form was used to collect data on children’s age, gender and mothers’ working status. Persistence and Reactivity Subdimensions of the The Short Temperament Scale for Children and Parenting Attitude Scale for maternal attitudes were used for the data collection. Both forms were completed by the mothers. An independent sample t-test, a Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and multiple regression were used to test the data collected from the mothers. The results showed that girls, 6-year-olds (60-72 months) and children with working mothers were more persistent compared to boys, 5-year-olds and children with unemployed mothers, respectively. The findings indicated a negative and significant relationship between persistence and overprotective parenting attitudes and a positive and significant relationship between reactivity and permissive and overprotective parenting attitudes. Parenting attitudes explained %5 and %7 of the variation in children’s persistent and reactive behavior, respectively. Overprotective and permissive parenting attitudes significantly predicted persistence and reactivity, respectively.

Keywords: Persistent Behavior, Reactive Behavior, Parental Attitudes

Original Articles Investigation of the Relationship between Well-Being, Social Anxiety and Self-Regulation Skills in Adolescents

Mehmet Fatih Aslan & Okan Bilgin

pp. 283 - 295   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.17


The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between well-being, social anxiety and self-regulation skills in adolescents. The study also examined whether well-being, social anxiety, and self-regulation vary according to some demographic information variables (gender, age, grade, level of income, number of siblings) in adolescents. For this purpose, “Demographic Information Form", “EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Well-Being”, “Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A)” and “Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory-ASRI” were given to a total of 436 adolescents, 327 males and 109 females,  who were studying in different high schools and secondary schools in Istanbul. Pearson Moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the level of the relationships between the well-being, social anxiety and self-regulation skills of adolescents. In addition, t-test and one way ANOVA were used to find out whether well-being, social anxiety and self-regulation skills of adolescents differed according to demographic variables. According to the findings obtained from data analysis, significant differences were found demographic variables gender and grade and well-being and avoidance in general situations, which is one of the sub-dimensions of social anxiety. Significant difference was also found between the variable of age and level of well-being. No significant difference was found between the number of siblings and level of income and well-being, social anxiety and self-regulation skills of adolescents. When the relationships between variables were investigated, a positive moderate correlation was found between well-being and success in self-regulation, while positive low level correlation was found between all sub-dimensions of social anxiety and inadequacy in self-regulation.

Keywords: Well-being, Social Anxiety, Self-Regulation.

Original Articles The Comparison of the Social Skills, Problem Behaviours and Academic Competence of Gifted Students and Their Non-gifted Peers

Mahmut Çitil & Ufuk Özkubat

pp. 296 - 312   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.18


The purpose of this study is to compare the social skills, problem behaviours and academic competence of gifted students at elementary level with their non-gifted peers, and to assess these based on the variables age, gender, and school year. The study group consists of 50 gifted students in second, third and fourth grade in state schools in Ankara in the 2017- 2018 school year and their 50 non-gifted peers. In order to obtain data for the study, The Social Skills Rating Scale Teacher Form was used which developed by Gresham and Elliot (1990) and translated into Turkish by Sucuoğlu and Özokçu (2005) has been used. The data has been analysed using the SPSS 22.00 software package. Descriptive statistics have been used for data analysis. According to the results of the study, it was observed that the social skills levels and the academic competence levels of the gifted students were statistically more developed compared to their non-gifted peers. On the other hand, it was observed that there was no difference between gifted students and their non-gifted peers in terms of problem behaviours. In this study, no significant difference was found in the academic competence levels of gifted students according to gender. It was found out in the study that 10-year old students display more problem behaviours in comparison to their 9-year old peers. There was no meaningful difference in the social skills and academic competence of gifted students based on the variable school year. Although the results of this study present that gifted students have better social skills and academic competence, and display less problem behaviours compared to their peers, further research needs to be conducted to clarify this situation.

Keywords: Social Skills, Academic Competence, Problem Behaviours, Giftedness

Original Articles A New Approach In The Professional Development Of Prospective Visual Arts Teachers: A Lesson Study Model

Yahya Hiçyılmaz & Ahmet Aykan

pp. 313 - 324   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.19


One of the most important skills for students to use, starting from the preschool period and throughout their lives, is art education. The quality of visual arts teachers, who aim to develop students’ knowledge and skills in terms of art, is highly important in this process. It is believed that the knowledge and experience that prospective visual arts teachers before service will enable them to be more effective and successful teachers while serving. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the professional development of prospective visual arts teachers within the framework of a lesson study. In this study, which was conducted as a case study with a qualitative research model, the participants consisted of 6 prospective visual arts teachers, which included 4 males and 2 females. Within the scope of the study, the data were obtained by using interview forms. Out of these data, codes and themes were obtained by using the content analysis method. As a result of this study, which covered a total period of 8 weeks, it was concluded that the professional development of prospective visual arts teachers was positively developed. It was observed that the lesson study model contributed to the knowledge and skills of prospective visual arts teachers in terms of lesson planning, method-technique, assessment-evaluation and cooperation. According to these results, suggestions, such as professional knowledge lessons that are practical, can be conducted within the framework of a lesson study, were presented.

Keywords: Visual Arts Teacher, Lesson Study Model, Professional Development, Art Education

Original Articles Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: Turkish Academics’ Self-efficacy Beliefs in their Spoken English

Adem Yılmaz, Pınar Ayyıldız & Hasan Şerif Baltacı

pp. 325 - 343   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.20


Academics are known as individuals designing and conducting scientific research and they are to hold problem-solving skills, use scientific methods, carry out research, and publish at a global level. That said, they may encounter problems while performing the actions mentioned above due to a lack of foreign language proficiency, which interferes with sharing their knowledge with the others in the international arena. Taking that into consideration, this study aims to scrutinize the self-efficacy beliefs of Turkish academics regarding their oral communication in English. For this purpose, the data were collected through e-mails, and a total of 352 academics working in the departments of educational sciences participated in the study. Qualitative (document analysis) and quantitative research (survey) methods were used together in the study. The scale "A Self-efficacy Instrument for Academics’ Oral Communication in a Foreign Language" developed by Özer, Çakır & Uzun (2019), was utilized in the quantitative data collection phase. The findings were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that the self-efficacy scores of academics with respect to their oral communication in English showed no significant difference in terms of their department, academic title, academic experience, and age variable. It also turned out that there is a significant difference between self-efficacy belief scores and experience abroad, current language exam scores, and involvement in academic events abroad. As a result of the document analysis, it was uncovered that the number of studies, especially those that examine foreign language use, is limited. It is believed that the present study will contribute to the existing literature.

Keywords: Self-Efficacy Beliefs, English Language, Speaking Skills, Turkish Academics, Educational Sciences

Original Articles Blogging in EFL Learners’ Academic Writing

Selim Soner Sütçü

pp. 344 - 351   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.21


Firstly known as “weblog”, soon shortened as “blog” in 1999, blogs have always been an important part of online culture. Since then their static nature has changed, and they have offered new opportunities, which in return has started to draw the attention of both educators and researchers increasingly. Soon they have assumed a critical place in language learning, specifically in writing classes. As a result of their nondecremental role in language learning, this study aimed to investigate the effects of using blog in academic writing and determine the attitudes of learners of English as a foreign language at tertiary level. The results indicated a considerable increase in the success scores of the students who used blogging in academic writing, confirming that blogging improves students’ writing skills. In parallel with this finding, students also expressed positive attitudes towards the use of blog in their writing activities, which together could imply that students with positive attitudes towards blogging are likely to become better writers.

Keywords: Blogging, Academic Writing, EFL

Original Articles Investigation of Studies for the Use of Augmented Reality Applications for Educational Purposes: Content Analysis

Ferhat Bahçeci & Ali Sercan Yaratan

pp. 352 - 364   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.22


Augmented reality is a technology used in almost every stage of our daily life. It has become widespread in several fields such as engineering, healthcare, advertising, defense industry, and entertainment. The use of augmented reality technology that combines virtual and real environments is increasing every day. Augmented reality technology, which allows multiple multimedia materials to be used together, is a preferred teaching material in educational environments. This study is a content analysis study. Turkish studies that addressed the use of augmented reality applications for educational purposes and that were published between 2012 and 2019 were analyzed and descriptive analysis was performed according to their distribution by years, a number of authors, research patterns, sample sizes, data collection tools, and data analysis methods. For this purpose, the keywords Augmented reality, educational practices, education technologies and educational technologies were searched in ULAKBİM, YÖK National Thesis Center and Google Academy databases and 106 scientific studies, 60 thesis and 46 articles published between 2012 and 2019 in Turkish were obtained. Then, these studies were examined using the content analysis method. The publication classification form, developed by Sözbilir, Kutu, and Yasar (2012) as a data collection tool, was rearranged in line with the sub-problems. These sub-problems are research patterns, data analysis methods, data collection tools, number of authors, distribution by years and sample sizes. The data were presented with descriptive statistics methods such as frequency and percentage, with graphs and tables. As a result it was found that the studies in the field of augmented were published mostly in 2019. It was also observed that most of the investigated articles had two authors in terms of the number of authors. In addition quasi-experimental design, one of the most common quantitative research methods, was found to be used as the research design. In terms of sample size, it was seen that a sample size between 51-100 was used. It was also observed that the most used data collection tool was the achievement tests prepared according to the purpose of the research. The analysis of the results section of the studies revealed that the t-test, which is one of the the parametric tests, was used most frequently in the analysis of the data. The results of this study will reveal the tendency of the studies and identify deficiencies in the existing studies and thus will be a guide for future studies.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Educational Practices, Instructional Technologies, Educational Technologies.

Original Articles Pre-Service Teachers as Creators and Students as Viewers of Children’s Literature-Related Digital Stories: A Formative Experiment  

Mustafa Ulusoy

pp. 365 - 389   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.23


The goals of this formative experiment were to help pre-service teachers (PSTs) create children’s literature-related original digital stories (DSs) and use these DSs to receive elementary school students’ and in-service teachers’ reflections. In this study, the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework was used. In total, 71 PSTs, 544 elementary school students, and 21 in-service teachers participated in the study. The results revealed that the PSTs wrote original stories that were mostly from their own personal experiences, drew illustrations, used their own voices by following the prosodic speaking rules, and, finally, created original DSs to convey to the students important didactic or informative messages. The digital storytelling creation process improved the PSTs’ children’s literature-related TPACK knowledge and practices. In this study, the majority of the PSTs tried to create parallel DS, which means that the pictures, texts, and recorded verbal messages told the same story for the same setting. In addition, the majority of the students gave viewer/reader-centered oral responses to the DSs. The results also showed that the PSTs, in-service teachers, and students had positive reflections about the DSs. These results confirmed that the goals of this formative experiment were achieved.

Keywords: Pre-Service Teachers, Digital Storytelling, Children's Literature, Formative Experiment, TPACK

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