Volume 12 Issue 2 (June 2016)
Original Articles A new rendition of an old classic: The young writers program as a writing workshop

Laura Magalas & Thomas G. Ryan

pp. 7 - 22


The Young Writers Program (YWP) is the latest writing workshop to be developed for the classroom. It challenges students to choose a topic and write a novel-length piece based on that topic, without worrying about spelling or grammar. While the foundation of this philosophy is solid, the support and structure of the Young Writers Program website does not make up for the lack of structure and routine that is instrumental to the implementation and success of other writing workshops. Until it creates a framework that teachers can implement in their classroom, the Young Writers Program has very little direction and very few benefits when compared to other, more successful, writing workshops.

Keywords: Writing, elementary, communication

Original Articles Graduating from College: The Impossible Dream for Most First-Generation Students

Joseph Sanacore & Anthony Palumbo

pp. 23 - 33


Some colleges engage in unethical practices to balance their budgets, such as accepting “marginal” students who qualify for loans and government-backed financial aid but not providing these students with the services and programs they need to achieve success. Too many low-income students who are often first-generation students find themselves gamed when they meet with admissions counselors who help them to complete loan applications but neglect to explain the difference between being accepted to college and graduating from college—and the subsequent need to repay student loans. As a response to this negative scenario, 13 high-impact strategies are suggested which increase the chances of helping first-generation students to achieve success and to graduate in a timely fashion.

Keywords: First-Generation Students, Graduation Rates, High-Impact Strategies, Caring

Original Articles An Examination of the Documentary Film “Einstein and Eddington” in terms of Nature of Science Themes, Philosophical Movements, and Concepts

Munise Seçkin Kapucu

pp. 34 - 46


This study aims to examine nature of science themes, philosophical movements, and overall concepts covered in the documentary film, “Einstein and Eddington”. A qualitative research method was used. In this study, the documentary film "Einstein and Eddington," the viewing time of which is 1 hour and 28 minutes, was used as the data source. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. As a result of the research, it has been found that the documentary put emphasis on the philosophical movements of positivism, rationalism, and relativism. It has been identified that five nature of science themes have been addressed in the documentary, namely that scientific knowledge is tentative; that it includes logical, mathematical, and empirical inferences; that it is subjective; that it is partly the product of human imagination and creativity; and that it is influenced by social and cultural factors. The documentary included concepts related to Einstein's Theories (General and Special Relativity), light deflection in the gravitational field and solar eclipse. As a result, this study showed that "Einstein and Eddington" is a documentary film that could be used in the instruction of some nature of science themes, philosophical movements, and concepts.

Keywords: Einstein and Eddington, nature of science, philosophical movements, teaching concepts, content analysis

Original Articles Educational progression in Ghana: Gender and spatial variations in longitudinal trajectories of Junior High School Completion rate

David Ansong & Mustapha Alhassan

pp. 47 - 63


Completion of junior high school is a critical milestone in every Ghanaian child’s educational trajectory and a critical step toward the transition to higher education. However, the rate of children completing junior high school still lags behind most educational indicators in Ghana. Far more attention is paid to ensuring that students enroll in school, with very little investment or commitment paid toward ensuring that they graduate or complete junior high school. Part of the problem is that there is little to no research on the challenges that children, especially girls, face in completing school. This study aims to bring school completion trends and related challenges to the forefront of research and policy discourse. Thus, the study uses multilevel growth curve modeling, spatial hot spot analysis, and school completion data (from 2009 through 2013) to offer longitudinal insights into (a) the scale and trajectories of junior high school completion in Ghana, and (b) the gender and spatial nuances in the trends. Findings suggest that the completion rate is steadily improving but still low. Findings also reveal unequivocal gender and spatial disparities in the completion rate and the rate’s trajectories, although the spatial inequalities between northern and southern Ghana are more severe compared to the gender inequalities. Suggestions for how Ghana’s government and its development partners can bridge the gender and spatial gaps are discussed.

Keywords: school completion; gender inequality; spatial disparity; multilevel growth curve modeling; spatial hot spot analysis; Ghana

Original Articles Racializing intimate partner violence among Black, Native American, Asian American and Latina women

Erica Campbell

pp. 64 - 77


Intimate partner violence (IPV) continues to attract much attention and awareness as an increasing social problem in the U.S. While intimate partner violence scholars and experts have developed an inclusive conceptualization of IPV, research highlights the need to construct a framework of IPV incorporating the sociocultural and sociohistorical contexts and narratives unique to racial and ethnic minority women. An inclusive discourse fully examining the complexities of IPV among racial and ethnic minority women is valuable to the development of quality services, interventions and prevention strategies aiming to serve racial and ethnic minority women

Keywords: Intimate Partner Violence, Women, IPV

Original Articles Study of the Factors Affecting the Mathematics Achievement of Turkish Students According to Data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012

Cem Oktay Güzelleri, Mehmet Taha Eser & Gökhan Aksu

pp. 78 - 88


This study attempts to determine the factors affecting the mathematics achievement of students in Turkey based on data from the Programme for International Student Assessment 2012 and the correct classification ratio of the established model. The study used mathematics achievement as a dependent variable while sex, having a study room, preparation for mathematics exams, completing homework on time, interest in mathematics, enjoying mathematics and enjoying reading about mathematics were used as independent variables. The studysample consisted of 4478 students participating in PISA 2012. Probit regression analysis was used to analyse the data. According to the findings, it was determined that there was a positive interaction between the dependent variable and all the independent variables except regularly completing homeworkand that the correct classification ratio of the model was 58 (44%).

Keywords: Program for International Student Assessment(PISA), Mathematics achievement, Probit regression

Original Articles Eflâtun Cem Güney In Terms Of Bibliotheraphic Elements: Once Upon A Time

Nigar İpek Eğilmez & Zeynep Ezgi Erdemir

pp. 89 - 103


Bibliotheraphy is defined as “recovery through books” and can be implemented in various ways, one of them is “developmental bibliotheraphy” technique, which can be applied at schools, classrooms or libraries under the guidance of a teacher. The objective of this study is to analyse the tales book called “Evvel Zaman İçinde” by Eflâtun Cem Güney through developmental bibliotheraphy technique. The seven stories called “The Brocaded Shoe, The Beaded Quilt, The Three Oranges, Sedef Sister, The Dough Baby, The Haunted Hand, The Golden Forelocked Boy and The Golden Haired Girl” within the folk tales book mentioned here are evaluated upon the basis of points such as not giving up hope, dealing with various problems, benevolence, recognising others and empathy, developing a more positive sense of self, adapting to different and new situations, forgiveness and tolerance. In this study, the descriptive analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods, is used. At the end of the research, points such as “benevolence and cooperation, recognising others and empathy (social consciousness), developing a more positive sense of self, perseverance, communication skills” which are involved in the folk tales book called ‘’Once Upon a Time’’ by Eflatun Cem GÜNEY are presented in details and suggestions are made regarding the findings as well.

Keywords: Bibliotherapy, Turkish education, Folk tale, Eflâtun Cem Güney

Original Articles Challenges for Progressive Education in Afghanistan: A History of Oppression and the Rising Threat of ISIS

Michael Jessee Adkins

pp. 104 - 111


Afghanistan’s public education system has been victimized by the brutal oppression of the Taliban Regime. Schools were destroyed, teachers were executed, and women were prevented from receiving an education. However, the situation has improved in recent years. Public school enrollment rates and educational access for females have substantially increased since the fall of the Taliban Regime. A resurgence of learning is happening throughout the country. Although this resurgence is welcome, it faces unique challenges. This article examines Afghanistan’s history of educational oppression, describes post-Taliban educational trends, examines modern challenges facing public education, and provides recommendations for fostering a new hope for educational attainment among the citizens of Afghanistan.

Keywords: Afghanistan, Education, Rising, Oppression, ISIS

Original Articles Application of Sociology of Education on Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices in Hong Kong: insight from David Riesman

LAU Grace & HO Kwok Keung

pp. 112 - 127


This paper will present multiple themes that are intermingled with one another, aiming to bring an overview of sociology of education and its application in the Hong Kong situation. One of the themes concerns how sociology of education has intertwined with the socio-political aspect of Hong Kong before and after year 1997 resulting in different educational modes following the change of time. The other theme relates the social aspect of young children in school on the issue of ‘loneliness’ and ‘friendship’. These aspects would then be exemplified and studied through the inspirational writings of David Riesman for identifying the cause of their loneliness under the sociological lens. A corresponding mode of curriculum and pedagogic practices had been identified with the different types of personalities mentioned in Riesman’s book for the readers to reflect on.

Keywords: Sociology of Education, Early Childhood Education, David Riesman, Curriculum and Pedagogic practices, Hong Kong.

Original Articles The determinants of the types of selves in relation to foreign language teachers

Mehmet Demirezen

pp. 128 - 137


In the field of Modern Higher Education, the background of teachers as native or non-native speakers of the language they teach is of major concern in the field of teacher education. First things first, in teacher education each teacher has an ideal self of her or his own as non-native English-speaking teachers of English, as a second or foreign language, or English as an additional language. Teachers perceive differences between their teaching [styles/approaches] and how this perception influences the teaching behavior and attitudes of the non-native speaking teachers matters a lot. The question is: Should they develop and enhance rather than merely maintain in a static self their proficiency level? This question is also related with the self of the foreign language teacher. A foreign language teacher should never say this: “As a non-native teacher, I can never truly master the target language.” Conversely, a non-native foreign language teacher should not articulate the following statement, which is contrary to professional self: “I have near-native proficiency, but I can’t aspire to mastery of the language.”All of this boils down to mean that the teacher has weak professional self which indicates the immatured self-fulfillment in efficiency in the target language.

Keywords: Determinant, Ideal Self, Ought-To Self, Feared Teacher Self, Professional Self

Original Articles An Art Educator’s Journey of Becoming a Researcher: A Self-Reflective Auto-Ethnography of Identity Construction and Personal Growth

Martina Riedler

pp. 138 - 148


In this self-reflective auto-ethnographic research, the author shares her experiences of introspection, change and professional growth as an art educator in an international context. Auto-ethnography is an approach to qualitative inquiry in which the researcher employs self-reflection to explore her personal experiences and connect these auto-biographical experiences to wider socio-cultural and political issues in society. This study recollects stories of the author’s personal journey as an Austrian art educator in the United States from a critical pedagogy perspective. Thereby, these stories present personalized narratives of moments of vulnerability, and the challenges of transforming traditional understandings of research and teaching into critical and participatory art pedagogies and practices. This self-reflective approach provides the author an opportunity to speak from the inside out as a researcher and educator having experienced a deeper understanding of “self” and to explore the changes that taken place in her activities along her journey of challenging the status quo in teaching and doing research.

Keywords: Auto-ethnography, identity construction, self-reflection, art education, critical pedagogy, participatory art

Original Articles ICT Integration of Turkish Teachers: An Analysis within TPACK-Practical Model

Yusuf AY, Engin KARADAĞ & M. Bahaddin ACAT

pp. 149 - 165


The aim of the study is to analyze Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) integration of Turkish teachers using various variables within the context of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). These variables were indicated as the gender of teachers, the implementation status of FATIH project at their schools, school types that the teachers were commissioned at, and their years of seniority. The study was conducted using causal-comparative design, one of the non-empirical quantitative research methods. TPACK-Practical Scale was utilized as data collection tool in the study. The data were collected from 296 teachers serving at Ministry of Education state schools. The analysis of the data was conducted using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Findings of the study demonstrated that teachers scored the highest mean points in Curriculum Design, while the mean scores for Infusing ICT to assess students was the lowest. Furthermore, while there was no significant difference between the total mean scores of females and males, a significant difference was observed between the teachers that serve at schools where FATIH project was implemented and the teachers that serve at schools where FATIH project was not implemented, and between the teachers that serve in different types of schools.

Keywords: Technology integration, ICT, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, teacher efficiencies, FATIH Project

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