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International Journal of Progressive Education 2016, Vol. 12(2) 47-63

Educational progression in Ghana: Gender and spatial variations in longitudinal trajectories of Junior High School Completion rate

David Ansong & Mustapha Alhassan

pp. 47 - 63

Publish Date: June 01, 2016  |   Single/Total View: 448/1.161   |   Single/Total Download: 531/2.258


Completion of junior high school is a critical milestone in every Ghanaian child’s educational trajectory and a critical step toward the transition to higher education. However, the rate of children completing junior high school still lags behind most educational indicators in Ghana. Far more attention is paid to ensuring that students enroll in school, with very little investment or commitment paid toward ensuring that they graduate or complete junior high school. Part of the problem is that there is little to no research on the challenges that children, especially girls, face in completing school. This study aims to bring school completion trends and related challenges to the forefront of research and policy discourse. Thus, the study uses multilevel growth curve modeling, spatial hot spot analysis, and school completion data (from 2009 through 2013) to offer longitudinal insights into (a) the scale and trajectories of junior high school completion in Ghana, and (b) the gender and spatial nuances in the trends. Findings suggest that the completion rate is steadily improving but still low. Findings also reveal unequivocal gender and spatial disparities in the completion rate and the rate’s trajectories, although the spatial inequalities between northern and southern Ghana are more severe compared to the gender inequalities. Suggestions for how Ghana’s government and its development partners can bridge the gender and spatial gaps are discussed.

Keywords: school completion; gender inequality; spatial disparity; multilevel growth curve modeling; spatial hot spot analysis; Ghana

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APA 7th edition
Ansong, D., & Alhassan, M. (2016). Educational progression in Ghana: Gender and spatial variations in longitudinal trajectories of Junior High School Completion rate. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(2), 47-63.

Ansong, D. and Alhassan, M. (2016). Educational progression in Ghana: Gender and spatial variations in longitudinal trajectories of Junior High School Completion rate. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(2), pp. 47-63.

Chicago 16th edition
Ansong, David and Mustapha Alhassan (2016). "Educational progression in Ghana: Gender and spatial variations in longitudinal trajectories of Junior High School Completion rate". International Journal of Progressive Education 12 (2):47-63.

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