International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

International Journal of Progressive Education 2016, Vol. 12(2) 47-63

Educational progression in Ghana: Gender and spatial variations in longitudinal trajectories of Junior High School Completion rate

David Ansong & Mustapha Alhassan

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  United States 241 354
  France 119 137
  Russian Federation 29 46
Unknown 18 37
  Turkey 17 26
  China 13 23
  Ghana 13 21
  Thailand 11 11
  United Kingdom 11 15
  India 7 8
  Germany 7 15
  Canada 6 9
  Singapore 4 5
  Europe 3 3
  Indonesia 2 3
  Algeria 2 2
  Malaysia 2 3
  Ireland 1 2
  Ukraine 1 1
Unknown 1 1
  Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1
  Chile 1 1
  Bolivia 1 1
  Zimbabwe 1 1
  Norway 1 1
  Bangladesh 1 1
  Lebanon 1 1
  Korea, Republic of 1 2
  Bulgaria 1 1
  Philippines 1 4
  Finland 1 2
  Australia 0 2
  Italy 0 1
  Pakistan 0 1
  Switzerland 0 1
Asia/Pacific Region 0 1
  Mexico 0 1
  Kenya 0 2
Total 38 countries