International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2016, Vol. 12(2) 112-127

Application of Sociology of Education on Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices in Hong Kong: insight from David Riesman

LAU Grace & HO Kwok Keung

pp. 112 - 127   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2016.009

Published online: June 01, 2016  |   Number of Views: 632  |  Number of Download: 1215


This paper will present multiple themes that are intermingled with one another, aiming to bring an overview of sociology of education and its application in the Hong Kong situation. One of the themes concerns how sociology of education has intertwined with the socio-political aspect of Hong Kong before and after year 1997 resulting in different educational modes following the change of time. The other theme relates the social aspect of young children in school on the issue of ‘loneliness’ and ‘friendship’. These aspects would then be exemplified and studied through the inspirational writings of David Riesman for identifying the cause of their loneliness under the sociological lens. A corresponding mode of curriculum and pedagogic practices had been identified with the different types of personalities mentioned in Riesman’s book for the readers to reflect on.

Keywords: Sociology of Education, Early Childhood Education, David Riesman, Curriculum and Pedagogic practices, Hong Kong.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Grace, L. & Keung, H.K. (2016). Application of Sociology of Education on Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices in Hong Kong: insight from David Riesman. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(2), 112-127.

Grace, L. and Keung, H. (2016). Application of Sociology of Education on Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices in Hong Kong: insight from David Riesman. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(2), pp. 112-127.

Chicago 16th edition
Grace, LAU and HO Kwok Keung (2016). "Application of Sociology of Education on Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices in Hong Kong: insight from David Riesman". International Journal of Progressive Education 12 (2):112-127.

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