International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2020, Vol. 16(6) 79-93

Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers’ Metaphorical Perceptions of Social Media Platforms

Kenan Bulut

pp. 79 - 93   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2004-26-0001.R1

Published online: December 07, 2020  |   Number of Views: 195  |  Number of Download: 687


The aim of this study was to determine pre-service Turkish Language teachers’ metaphorical perceptions of social media platforms. Phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design, was used in the study. The sample consisted of 70 first-, second-, third- and fourth- grade students of the Department of Turkish Language Education of the Faculty of Education of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. Data were collected using a form developed to help participants write metaphors on their minds and to express themselves clearly. The form consisted of a statement in the form of “Social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.) are like… because…,” of which participants were asked to fill in the blanks to find out exactly to what they compared social media platforms and why. Data were analyzed using content analysis, which is a qualitative analysis method. Participants generated 73 metaphors, 67 of which were accepted as valid. The most frequently used metaphors were drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and sources of information. The metaphors were grouped under ten conceptual categories; addictive, harmful, pros and cons, communication, unnecessary and useless, useful, necessity, vastness, trap, and other. The categories of addictive (22.38%) and harmful (22.38%) had the largest percentages. Of all metaphors, 37 (55.2%) were negative while 16 (23.88%) positive. Suggestions were made at the end of the study.

Keywords: Social Media Platforms, Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers, Metaphor

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Bulut, K. (2020). Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers’ Metaphorical Perceptions of Social Media Platforms . International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(6), 79-93. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.5

Bulut, K. (2020). Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers’ Metaphorical Perceptions of Social Media Platforms . International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(6), pp. 79-93.

Chicago 16th edition
Bulut, Kenan (2020). "Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers’ Metaphorical Perceptions of Social Media Platforms ". International Journal of Progressive Education 16 (6):79-93. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2020.280.5.

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