Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2014, Vol. 10(3) 34-46

How the attachment styles associated with Student Alienation: The Mediation Role of Emotional Well-being

Ercan Kocayörük, Ersin Uzman, & Abdullah Mert

pp. 34 - 46

Publish Date: October 15, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 154/423   |   Single/Total Download: 253/683


The present study examined emotional well-being as a mediator between parental attachment (mother and father) and student alienation. A total of 227 high school students from the city of Ankara completed the self-report measures of parental attachment, positive and negative affect, and alienation. Using structural equation modeling, a model was examined in which emotional well-being mediated the link between parental attachment and alienation feeling of students. Results from structural equation modeling analyses indicated that emotional well-being fully mediated the relationship between attachment to parents (both mother and father) and student alienation. These findings suggested that parental attachment has an effect to reduce feeling of alienation by promoting high  level of emotional well-being.

Keywords: Attachment, parents, emotional well-being, adolescents, student alienation

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APA 7th edition
Kocayoruk, E., Uzman, E., & Mert, A. (2014). How the attachment styles associated with Student Alienation: The Mediation Role of Emotional Well-being. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(3), 34-46.

Kocayoruk, E., Uzman, E. and Mert, A. (2014). How the attachment styles associated with Student Alienation: The Mediation Role of Emotional Well-being. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(3), pp. 34-46.

Chicago 16th edition
Kocayoruk, Ercan, Ersin Uzman and Abdullah Mert (2014). "How the attachment styles associated with Student Alienation: The Mediation Role of Emotional Well-being". International Journal of Progressive Education 10 (3):34-46.

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