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International Journal of Progressive Education 2014, Vol. 10(3) 72-85

Progressive Education in Turkey: Reports of John Dewey and his Successors

Yusuf Keskin

pp. 72 - 85

Publish Date: October 15, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 86/398   |   Single/Total Download: 116/666


John Dewey, the well-known figure in progressive education, visited Turkey in 1924. Through his visit, Turkey was introduced to progressive education. Although his visit was short, the reports he prepared influenced the shape of the Turkish education system. After Dewey’s visit, many foreign educators were invited to Turkey, particularly through the end of the 1950s. Among these, a large number came from the U.S. The aim of this study is to analyze the reports of American specialists who came to Turkey and conducted research on the Turkish education system from the perspective of progressive education principles. In this study, reports prepared by Dewey (1924),  Beryl  Parker (1934), the committee under the presidency of E. Walter Kemmerer (1933–1934), W. Dickerman (1951) John Rufi (1951), R. J. Maaske (1953), and M. Costat (1955) have been analyzed. Since the reports of American educators are primary information sources, published as a book by the Ministry of National Education, this study is a qualitative, historical research/historical case study. The technique of document review was used in the analysis of the reports. The research found that American educators included the principles of progressive education in their reports, and principles of progressive education cited in Dewey’s report were mentioned repeatedly in subsequent reports. We conclude that these reports were highly effective for introducing and establishing progressive  education in Turkey.

Keywords: Progressive education, progressivism, American specialists, reports of the foreign specialists, Turkish education system.

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APA 7th edition
Keskin, Y. (2014). Progressive Education in Turkey: Reports of John Dewey and his Successors. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(3), 72-85.

Keskin, Y. (2014). Progressive Education in Turkey: Reports of John Dewey and his Successors. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(3), pp. 72-85.

Chicago 16th edition
Keskin, Yusuf (2014). "Progressive Education in Turkey: Reports of John Dewey and his Successors". International Journal of Progressive Education 10 (3):72-85.

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