International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2014, Vol. 10(3) 139-149

Evaluation of Bullying Events among Secondary Education Students in Terms of School Type, Gender and Class Level

Ibrahim Yerlikaya

pp. 139 - 149   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2014.044

Published online: October 15, 2014  |   Number of Views: 100  |  Number of Download: 444


This paper examines whether the intensity and amount of bullying and/or being bullied among secondary education students vary significantly according to gender, school type and class levels. The scanning method was used in the research. The research sample consisted of 213 students, 96 female and 117 male, who were enrolled in secondary education in the Fatsa district of Ordu province during the first semester of the 2013-14 school year. No significant gender differences were identified with regard to either bullying or being bullied. In terms of school type, it was found that students in trade vocational high schools exhibited bullying acts more than students in other high school types, while students in industrial vocational high schools were bullied more than students in other high school types. Additionally, it was found that bullying and being bullied were both more prevalent among students in the 12th class than among students in other class levels.

Keywords: Bully, Bullied, Bullying, Secondary Education Students

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Yerlikaya, I. (2014). Evaluation of Bullying Events among Secondary Education Students in Terms of School Type, Gender and Class Level . International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(3), 139-149.

Yerlikaya, I. (2014). Evaluation of Bullying Events among Secondary Education Students in Terms of School Type, Gender and Class Level . International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(3), pp. 139-149.

Chicago 16th edition
Yerlikaya, Ibrahim (2014). "Evaluation of Bullying Events among Secondary Education Students in Terms of School Type, Gender and Class Level ". International Journal of Progressive Education 10 (3):139-149.

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