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International Journal of Progressive Education 2014, Vol. 10(1) 32-45

The Everyday Realities of Palestinian College Students Living and Studying in Israel: A Photovoice Study

Kevin J. Graziano

pp. 32 - 45

Publish Date: February 15, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 67/405   |   Single/Total Download: 88/675


The purpose of this study was to allow Palestinian, primarily Muslim, college students to document, reflect, and critique, through photography and storytelling (photovoice), their everyday realities as Arab citizens living and studying in Israel. Sixty Palestinian, preservice, English teachers participated in this study, of whom 55 were female and 5 were male. The use of photovoice in this study provided opportunities for participants to write, own, validate, and share their voices and personal narratives and create new ways of thinking. Results from this study address social, economic, political, and cultural issues related to being a Palestinian living and studying in Israel rather than issues directly related to teacher preparation. Four main themes emerged from participants’ photographs and stories. They included: (1) campus climate; (2) housing and land; (3) marriage and family; and (4) environment. Suggestions for further research are provided.

Keywords: Palestinian college students, photovoice, personal narratives, preservice teachers

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APA 7th edition
Graziano, K.J. (2014). The Everyday Realities of Palestinian College Students Living and Studying in Israel: A Photovoice Study. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(1), 32-45.

Graziano, K. (2014). The Everyday Realities of Palestinian College Students Living and Studying in Israel: A Photovoice Study. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(1), pp. 32-45.

Chicago 16th edition
Graziano, Kevin J. (2014). "The Everyday Realities of Palestinian College Students Living and Studying in Israel: A Photovoice Study". International Journal of Progressive Education 10 (1):32-45.

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