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International Journal of Progressive Education 2016, Vol. 12(1) 136-146

A Case Analysis of the Turkish Football in regard to the UEFA’s 10- Point Action Plan against Racism

Necati Cerrahoğlu

pp. 136 - 146

Publish Date: February 01, 2016  |   Single/Total View: 273/876   |   Single/Total Download: 325/1.912


Football is enjoyable and meaningful together with the fans. However, the hate crimes (racism, discrimination, humiliation, xenophobia and Islamophobia) are social diseases of some fan groups, and threaten public safety and the social life. UEFA has been determined to fight against hate crimes in football by creating a network called FARE, and by implementing a road map called 10-Point Action Plan since 2003. The purpose of this case study is to analyze the Turkish Football in relation to the UEFA’s 10- Point Action Plan against Racism. The findings of this study revealed that the policies implemented in Europe with success were hardly put into practice in Turkey. No policies were developed to implement the UEFA’s 10-Point Action Plan and the recommendations of the European Commission were not taken into consideration in Turkey. Although the football produces a very significant economic resource, no funds were allocated to education of Turkish football fans.

Keywords: Football, Fan, Education, 10-Point Plan of Action, the EU White Paper

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APA 7th edition
Cerrahoglu, N. (2016). A Case Analysis of the Turkish Football in regard to the UEFA’s 10- Point Action Plan against Racism. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(1), 136-146.

Cerrahoglu, N. (2016). A Case Analysis of the Turkish Football in regard to the UEFA’s 10- Point Action Plan against Racism. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12(1), pp. 136-146.

Chicago 16th edition
Cerrahoglu, Necati (2016). "A Case Analysis of the Turkish Football in regard to the UEFA’s 10- Point Action Plan against Racism". International Journal of Progressive Education 12 (1):136-146.

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