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International Journal of Progressive Education 2013, Vol. 9(1) 84-96

21st Century Learning and Progressive Education: An Intersection

Tom Little

pp. 84 - 96

Publish Date: February 15, 2013  |   Single/Total View: 191/541   |   Single/Total Download: 282/843


The seminal tenets of progressive education bear a striking resemblance to the newly fashionable principles associated with with a new movement known as ―21st Century Education. This article traces the development of progressive education principles, starting with the founding of the Progressive Education Association, and shows their close proximity to 21st century educational attributes and goals. It demonstrates how the principles underpinning progressive education emerge over and over again as operative and successful educational practice, and how 21st century reformers may benefit from turning attention to other principles of progressive education to fully prepare students for the future.

Keywords: tenets of progressive education; 21st Century learning; education trends

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Little, T. (2013). 21st  Century Learning and Progressive Education: An Intersection. International Journal of Progressive Education, 9(1), 84-96.

Little, T. (2013). 21st  Century Learning and Progressive Education: An Intersection. International Journal of Progressive Education, 9(1), pp. 84-96.

Chicago 16th edition
Little, Tom (2013). "21st  Century Learning and Progressive Education: An Intersection". International Journal of Progressive Education 9 (1):84-96.

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