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International Journal of Progressive Education 2011, Vol. 7(1) 45-61

Development of Social Studies Curriculum in Turkey and John Dewey’s Effect on the Modernization of Turkish  Education

Bülent Tarman

pp. 45 - 61

Publish Date: February 15, 2012  |   Single/Total View: 115/390   |   Single/Total Download: 149/646


The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the historical development, status and purpose of the Turkish social studies  curriculum  in  addition  to  understanding John Dewey’s impact on the modernization of Turkish educational system. Document analysis as a qualitative research method is used in this study. The data were obtained from the historical documents about the development of the Turkish social studies curriculum, the Internet sources, printed literature–such as  reports  about  the  curriculum development process done by national govermental organizations like Ministry of Education and Board of Education,  and  review  and  research  articles about social studies educations and Dewey’s effect on  the  Turkish  Educational  system. This study consists of two main parts: one is The History of Social Studies Curriculum Development in Turkey, which addresses the historical development of Social Studies Curriculum in two major eras: The Era  of  Ottomans  and  the Republican  Period.         The second  part of the study examines the impact of a famous

Keywords: Social Studies Education, Curriculum Development, Turkish Educational System, John Dewey

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Tarman, B. (2011). Development of Social Studies Curriculum in Turkey and John Dewey’s Effect on the Modernization of Turkish  Education. International Journal of Progressive Education, 7(1), 45-61.

Tarman, B. (2011). Development of Social Studies Curriculum in Turkey and John Dewey’s Effect on the Modernization of Turkish  Education. International Journal of Progressive Education, 7(1), pp. 45-61.

Chicago 16th edition
Tarman, Bulent (2011). "Development of Social Studies Curriculum in Turkey and John Dewey’s Effect on the Modernization of Turkish  Education". International Journal of Progressive Education 7 (1):45-61.

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