International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2010, Vol. 6(1) 6-27

Assessing Cultural Competence in Graduating   Students

Hermeet K. Kohli, Amarpreet S. Kohli, Ruth Huber & Anna C. Faul

pp. 6 - 27   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2010.010

Published online: February 15, 2010  |   Number of Views: 137  |  Number of Download: 393


Twofold purpose of this study was to develop a framework to understand cultural competence in graduating social work students, and test that framework for appropriateness and predictability using multivariate statistics. Scale and predictor variables were collected using an online instrument from a nationwide convenience sample of  graduating social work students (n = 513) from 43 institutions accredited    by CSWE.  Results revealed that there was a  good fit between the statistical model   and data collected.  The best fit model suggested that different demographic variables   of respondents had varying effects on knowledge, attitude and belief, and skill components of cultural competence. Amount of education in human diversity and age were the two variables that affected their cross-cultural knowledge. Amount of  education in human diversity, political affiliation, and  years  of  education  affected their own attitudes and beliefs while working with diverse populations.   The amount    of education in human diversity,  gender,  ethnicity,  spirituality,  political  affiliation, and years in social work job were the 6 demographic variables of the respondents that influenced their skills when working with people from diverse backgrounds. Implications for education and practice are  discussed.

Keywords: cultural competence, Cross-Cultural Inventory, multivariate statistics

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Kohli, H.K., Kohli, A.S., Huber, R. & Faul, A.C. (2010). Assessing Cultural Competence in Graduating   Students . International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(1), 6-27.

Kohli, H., Kohli, A., Huber, R. and Faul, A. (2010). Assessing Cultural Competence in Graduating   Students . International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(1), pp. 6-27.

Chicago 16th edition
Kohli, Hermeet K., Amarpreet S. Kohli, Ruth Huber and Anna C. Faul (2010). "Assessing Cultural Competence in Graduating   Students ". International Journal of Progressive Education 6 (1):6-27.

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