International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2010, Vol. 6(1) 28-46

An Evaluation of Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Social Skills to Fifth Grade Students within the Scope of Social Studies  Lessons

Cavus Sahin

pp. 28 - 46   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2010.011

Published online: February 15, 2010  |   Number of Views: 63  |  Number of Download: 397


The purpose was to evaluate teachers’ perceptions of teaching social skills to Fifth  grade students using social studies lessons. The survey model has been used as  a research method. The 5th grade teachers working in elementary schools in Canakkale province included in the scope of the study have been interviewed and a questionnaire has been formulated in this direction. Statistical methods as “r-test”, “F-test”, “t-test” besides %  (percentage) and mean ( X   ) have been used in terms of variables. Results    of the study indicates that social skill levels found according to the social skill points    in the research were adequate; teachers who have not  participated  in  in-service  training activities have the ability to teach students in observation skills better with respect to those who have not undergone such training. There was no significant relationship between effectively instructing students in sub-aspects of social skills by teachers and the educational status and occupational seniority of those   teachers.

Keywords: Elementary education, social skills, class teacher, social studies lesson

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Sahin, C. (2010). An Evaluation of Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Social Skills to Fifth Grade Students within the Scope of Social Studies  Lessons . International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(1), 28-46.

Sahin, C. (2010). An Evaluation of Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Social Skills to Fifth Grade Students within the Scope of Social Studies  Lessons . International Journal of Progressive Education, 6(1), pp. 28-46.

Chicago 16th edition
Sahin, Cavus (2010). "An Evaluation of Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Social Skills to Fifth Grade Students within the Scope of Social Studies  Lessons ". International Journal of Progressive Education 6 (1):28-46.

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