Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2008, Vol. 4(3) 34-52

Developing Prosocial Behaviors in Early Adolescence with Reactive Aggression

Annis L. C. Fung

pp. 34 - 52

Publish Date: October 15, 2008  |   Single/Total View: 24/411   |   Single/Total Download: 26/659


Despite the alarming rise of early adolescence aggression in Hong Kong, it is the pioneer evidence-based outcome study on Anger Coping Training (ACT) program for early adolescence with reactive aggression to develop their prosocial behaviors. This research program involved experimental and control groups with pre- and post- comparison using a mixed model research method. Quantitative data collection consisted of the Peer Observation Checklist (POC), while qualitative data collections of the early adolescents' behaviors were assessed through structured interviews (early adolescents, parents and teachers). In post-intervention and follow-up studies the treated early adolescents showed a consistent increase in their physical and verbal prosocial behaviors.


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APA 7th edition
Fung, A.L.C. (2008). Developing   Prosocial   Behaviors   in   Early   Adolescence   with  Reactive Aggression. International Journal of Progressive Education, 4(3), 34-52.

Fung, A. (2008). Developing   Prosocial   Behaviors   in   Early   Adolescence   with  Reactive Aggression. International Journal of Progressive Education, 4(3), pp. 34-52.

Chicago 16th edition
Fung, Annis L. C. (2008). "Developing   Prosocial   Behaviors   in   Early   Adolescence   with  Reactive Aggression". International Journal of Progressive Education 4 (3):34-52.

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