International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2008, Vol. 4(2) 6-21

Modern day Latino Professors used C.H.I.L.E. to succeed   in graduate school:  Five strategies from the front  lines

Esteban Alejandro Renaud & Giovanna Suarez-Renaud

pp. 6 - 21   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2008.006

Published online: June 15, 2008  |   Number of Views: 140  |  Number of Download: 371


Latinos with doctorate degrees working in academe were interviewed about their experiences in graduate school. They were asked to elaborate upon what  they considered to be their most meaningful experiences that shaped their personal,  academic and intellectual lives that influenced their success throughout  graduate  school. A thematic analysis of the interviews revealed five major findings that can be summed up by the acronym C.H.I.L.E. These crucial events and circumstances were experienced by all the interviewees. They were both positive and negative, and were shaped by a complex interplay of the influence of critical masses and peers, a search    for identity and individuality, professional guidance, intellectualism, varied campus culture and time.


How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Renaud, E.A. & Suarez-Renaud, G. (2008). Modern day Latino Professors used C.H.I.L.E. to succeed   in graduate school:  Five strategies from the front  lines . International Journal of Progressive Education, 4(2), 6-21.

Renaud, E. and Suarez-Renaud, G. (2008). Modern day Latino Professors used C.H.I.L.E. to succeed   in graduate school:  Five strategies from the front  lines . International Journal of Progressive Education, 4(2), pp. 6-21.

Chicago 16th edition
Renaud, Esteban Alejandro and Giovanna Suarez-Renaud (2008). "Modern day Latino Professors used C.H.I.L.E. to succeed   in graduate school:  Five strategies from the front  lines ". International Journal of Progressive Education 4 (2):6-21.

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