Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2008, Vol. 4(1) 49-65

The Information Inquisition:   High Priests of  Knowledge

Randall K. Engle

pp. 49 - 65

Publish Date: February 15, 2008  |   Number of Views: 395  |  Number of Download: 670


In this paper the author  examines  the  relationships  between  the  educational technology movement, the computer industry, the Bush administration’s education policies, and the Inquisition. Examples of ways in which information is manipulated, distorted, and denied public scrutiny are   discussed.


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APA 7th edition
Engle, R.K. (2008). The Information Inquisition:   High Priests of  Knowledge. International Journal of Progressive Education, 4(1), 49-65.

Engle, R. (2008). The Information Inquisition:   High Priests of  Knowledge. International Journal of Progressive Education, 4(1), pp. 49-65.

Chicago 16th edition
Engle, Randall K. (2008). "The Information Inquisition:   High Priests of  Knowledge". International Journal of Progressive Education 4 (1):49-65.

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