Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2018, Vol. 14(3) 47-59
Pınar Bağçeli Kahraman
pp. 47 - 59 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.146.4 | Manu. Number: MANU-1712-11-0003.R1
Published online: June 30, 2018 | Number of Views: 239 | Number of Download: 1021
Presently the family participation, which is considered as an important part of the education, makes a huge contribution to the whole education of the children. Therefore it is necessary to know the views and the attitudes of the teacher candidates especially before they become teachers and accordingly they should be supported regarding the family participation issue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the views and the attitudes of the elementary education teacher candidates towards family participation. In addition with this research it was attempted to determine whether the grades of the teacher candidates cause a common effect on their attitudes towards family participation according to their department. Within the research descriptive scanning model was used. The sample of the research consisted of totally 300 teacher candidates, were attending Uludağ University Education Faculty Preschool Teaching Department and Primary School Teaching department. Within the research the questionnaire, which was consisted of six open ended questions and Attitude Scale Regarding Family Participation for Teacher Candidates, which was developed by Yavuz Güler (2014), were used. In order to determine the views of the students from Primary School and Preschool Teaching departments, descriptive statistics were used. It was attempted to determine whether there was a relation between the departments with t test. According to their departments whether the grade has a significant effect on the total scores of the teacher candidates regarding family participation and the sub-dimensions was investigated with Two Factors ANOVA. The open-ended questions were given in the tables with frequency and percentages. As a result of the research teacher candidates not having adequate knowledge regarding family participation and the negative views they acquire from the environment regarding the families may cause them to develop negative attitudes and have prejudice regarding family participation.
Keywords: Family participation, preschool, elementary school teaching, teacher candidates
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