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International Journal of Progressive Education 2024, Vol. 20(4) 18-41

An Examination of the Relationship Between Reading Culture and Mathematical Literacy Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers

Ruhan Karadağ Yılmaz, Tuğba Horzum & İlhan Koyuncu

pp. 18 - 41   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2024.1055.2

Publish Date: August 01, 2024  |   Number of Views: 259  |  Number of Download: 303


The aim of this study is to examine the correlation between reading culture and the mathematical literacy self-efficacy among pre-service teachers and assesses these variables in relation to several factors. Utilizing convenience sampling, the research sample consists of 562 pre-service teachers studying in mathematics and primary school teaching programs in seven different universities. Data was gathered using the Reading Culture and Mathematical Literacy Self-Efficacy Scales, along with a personal information form. Both descriptive and inferential statistical methods were employed to analyze the data. Results revealed a significant but low-level correlation between reading culture, its sub-dimensions, and mathematical literacy self-efficacy levels among pre-service teachers. Notably, pre-service teachers engaging with scientific books demonstrated higher mathematical literacy self-efficacy than those preferring literary books. In addition, pre-service teachers’ scores of mathematical literacy self-efficacy and reading culture are not independent of the department they study in. Reading culture, gender, and department were significant predictors of mathematical literacy.

Keywords: mathematical literacy, reading culture, reading habit, self-efficacy

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APA 7th edition
Yilmaz, R.K., Horzum, T., & Koyuncu, I. (2024). An Examination of the Relationship Between Reading Culture and Mathematical Literacy Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 20(4), 18-41. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2024.1055.2

Yilmaz, R., Horzum, T. and Koyuncu, I. (2024). An Examination of the Relationship Between Reading Culture and Mathematical Literacy Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 20(4), pp. 18-41.

Chicago 16th edition
Yilmaz, Ruhan Karadag, Tugba Horzum and Ilhan Koyuncu (2024). "An Examination of the Relationship Between Reading Culture and Mathematical Literacy Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers". International Journal of Progressive Education 20 (4):18-41. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2024.1055.2

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