Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2020, Vol. 16(1) 54-66
pp. 54 - 66 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.228.5
Publish Date: February 09, 2020 | Single/Total View: 603/1.138 | Single/Total Download: 910/2.106
Many definitions and theories of leadership focus on the innate traits that leaders must possess from birth, others on the characteristics acquired throughout adult life and the processes the individual is exposed to. It is also widely believed that leadership is solely exercised at positions of higher authority in institutions and organizations. Students who are sufficiently fortunate, are exposed to leadership practices during their formal higher and academia education, yet the plethora of leadership educational programs available globally have limited adaptation and applicability to real-world cases, as well as limited foundations and preparation of the prospective leaders for the societies of the future and community needs. Leadership entails essential elements based on awareness; historical awareness, awareness of self and others, awareness of logical distinctions, and awareness of one's capacity for discrimination (Barrow, 1981). These features are necessary for students to become educated individuals capable to behave and act responsibly while assuming leadership roles in tomorrow's world.
Scholars state that students benefit from exposure to leadership models and practices regardless of the career paths they undertake. Theorists have further posited that educational institutions preparing students to assume leadership roles should focus their instructional methodologies on the early stages of the educational process. Additionally, approaches such as the morfosis paradigm give substantial promise to educational institutional leaders, educators, and their students when education emerges through its lens. Approaches such as these provide students with the best chance to gain skills and capacities enriched with ethics, empathy, and compassion in becoming effective leaders of tomorrow. Moreover, teaching them the significance of accountability, the importance of service learning, and the necessity for demonstration of ethos, compassion and empathy, cultivate the sense of belonging while building on awareness, interaction, and leadership mindsets. Furthermore, implementing SEL methodologies in teaching and learning builds on leader and leadership development.
Keywords: Compassion, Educators, Empathy, Ethos, Leadership, Morphosis, Student leaders
APA 7th edition
Gialamas, S., Grigoropoulos, J.E., Pelonis, P., & Cherif, A.H. (2020). How Can Manifesting Leadership Skills Infused with Ethos, Empathy, and Compassion Better Prepare Students to Assume Leadership Roles?. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(1), 54-66. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.228.5
Gialamas, S., Grigoropoulos, J., Pelonis, P. and Cherif, A. (2020). How Can Manifesting Leadership Skills Infused with Ethos, Empathy, and Compassion Better Prepare Students to Assume Leadership Roles?. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(1), pp. 54-66.
Chicago 16th edition
Gialamas, Stefanos, Jenny E. Grigoropoulos, Peggy Pelonis and Abour H. Cherif (2020). "How Can Manifesting Leadership Skills Infused with Ethos, Empathy, and Compassion Better Prepare Students to Assume Leadership Roles?". International Journal of Progressive Education 16 (1):54-66. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.228.5