International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2020, Vol. 16(2) 157-174

Primary School Teacher Candidates and 21st Century Skills

Fatih Mehmet Ciğerci

pp. 157 - 174   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1912-07-0003.R1

Published online: April 02, 2020  |   Number of Views: 468  |  Number of Download: 975


In this study, the aim is to determine the effect of digital storytelling on the primary school teacher candidates' 21st century skills. Since digital storytelling contains many skills like information, media and technology skills, communication and collaboration skills, group works, etc within itself, it can be defined as a good way for individuals to gain and develop 21st century skills. A digital storyteller, during the process of making his/her digital stories, is to research and access information, analyze, evaluate and give decision on what s/he has researched, solve problems, use his/her creativity, be capable of using technology, applications and/or programs and have digital, technology, visual and information literacy . In order to collect data, 21st Century Skills and Competences Scale Directed at Teaching Candidates, digital storytelling rubric and structured interviews were used. According to the results of the study, posttest scores of the candidate teachers' on 21st Century Skills and Competences Scale were higher than those of on the pretest. There was a meaningful difference between digital storytelling rubric scores the teacher candidates got from the three digital stories and the scores got higher on every following digital story, which can be said to support the result that the posttest scores of the candidate teachers' on 21st Century Skills and Competences Scale were higher than those of on the pretest. This situation is also supported by the fact that the scores obtained from the digital stories explain the variability of the scores on 21st Century Skills and Competences Scale by about 40% and that the scores obtained from the digital stories are the predictor of 2st century skills and competences of the teacher candidates.

Keywords: Learning and Innovation Skills, ICT Skills, Life and Career Skills, Digital Storytelling, Teacher Candidates

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Cigerci, F.M. (2020). Primary School Teacher Candidates and 21st Century Skills . International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(2), 157-174. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.11

Cigerci, F. (2020). Primary School Teacher Candidates and 21st Century Skills . International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(2), pp. 157-174.

Chicago 16th edition
Cigerci, Fatih Mehmet (2020). "Primary School Teacher Candidates and 21st Century Skills ". International Journal of Progressive Education 16 (2):157-174. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.11.

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