Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2020, Vol. 16(2) 218-229

The Effect of Chance Success on Equalization Error in Test Equation Based on Classical Test Theory

Duygu Koçak

pp. 218 - 229   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.15

Publish Date: April 02, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 185/795   |   Single/Total Download: 259/1.476


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chance success on test equalization. For this purpose, artificially generated 500 and 1000 sample size data sets were synchronized using linear equalization and equal percentage equalization methods. In the data which were produced as a simulative, a total of four cases were created with no chance success, and three different levels (20%, %25, %33) of chance success and the default chance success were corrected by the correction formula. In the simulated data, four different scenarios have been created that do not include chance success and contain three different success rates (20%, 25%, 33%). Accordingly, the test equalization was performed by using linear equalization and equipercentile equalization methods under two different sample sizes and four different chance success conditions. Weighted mean square error of equating methods was found for each situation, and the method with the lowest weighted mean square error was accepted as the most suitable equating method. At the end of the study, it was found out that; while linear equating is the most suitable method for equating test points with chance success; equipercentile equating is the most suitable method for equating test points without chance success.

Keywords: Test Equating, Linear Equating, Equipercentile Equating, Single Group Design, Chance Cucces

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Kocak, D. (2020). The Effect of Chance Success on Equalization Error in Test Equation Based on Classical Test Theory. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(2), 218-229. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.15

Kocak, D. (2020). The Effect of Chance Success on Equalization Error in Test Equation Based on Classical Test Theory. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(2), pp. 218-229.

Chicago 16th edition
Kocak, Duygu (2020). "The Effect of Chance Success on Equalization Error in Test Equation Based on Classical Test Theory". International Journal of Progressive Education 16 (2):218-229. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.15

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