Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2021, Vol. 17(1) 277-293

Pre-Service Teachers' Skills in Analysing Achievements in Regard to the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

Gülcan Öztürk

pp. 277 - 293   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 01, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 223/786   |   Single/Total Download: 310/1.304


This study examined the development of pre-service teachers' skills in analysing the achievements of secondary school sixth grade Information Technologies and Software Course curriculum in regard to the revised Bloom's taxonomy at a western Anatolian university in Turkey. A single group pre-test, post-test experimental design was used, and 99 pre-service teachers participated in the study. The sample was determined according to the purposive sampling method. The pre-test presented achievements for the pre-service teachers to analyse in regard to the revised Bloom's taxonomy, after which the revised Bloom's taxonomy's analysis was taught. The achievements were given as the post-test for pre-service teachers to re-analyse. The pre-service teachers' total scores were calculated based on their accuracy. The pre- and post-test total scores were compared, and the total scores of the post-test were higher than those of the pre-test. Suggestions were made regarding future research on the revised Bloom's taxonomy and achievements analysis teaching.

Keywords: Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, Information Technologies and Software Course, Curriculum, Achievements, Pre-Service Teachers

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APA 7th edition
Ozturk, G. (2021). Pre-Service Teachers’ Skills in Analysing Achievements in Regard to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(1), 277-293.

Ozturk, G. (2021). Pre-Service Teachers’ Skills in Analysing Achievements in Regard to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(1), pp. 277-293.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozturk, Gulcan (2021). "Pre-Service Teachers’ Skills in Analysing Achievements in Regard to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy". International Journal of Progressive Education 17 (1):277-293.

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