International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2021, Vol. 17(2) 1-16

Investigation of the Problematic Behaviors of Preschool Students Studying in Public and Private Schools

Kamil Arif Kırkıç & Merve Aydın

pp. 1 - 16   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2001-16-0002.R1

Published online: April 07, 2021  |   Number of Views: 169  |  Number of Download: 819


This study was conducted to investigate the problematic behaviors of preschool students studying in public and private schools according to certain variables. The research was carried out with 300 students and their parents in private and public kindergartens. A demographic information form prepared by the researcher was used to collect the data. The Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale was used. Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to analyze the data obtained for behavioral problems and social skills, univariate t-test for the significance of the difference between the scale scores of the groups by one-way analysis of variance, and the result was a significant negative relationship between problem behaviors and social skills. Significant differences were observed between students’ age, number of siblings, birth order, media usage, private or state education, their parent’s marital status, their family’s level of education and economic status, size of family, and students’ behavior problems and social skills sub-dimensions. However, no significant difference was observed regarding the gender of the children.

Keywords: Preschool Students, Behavior Problems, Social Skills

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Kirkic, K.A. & Aydin, M. (2021). Investigation of the Problematic Behaviors of Preschool Students Studying in Public and Private Schools . International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(2), 1-16. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2021.332.1

Kirkic, K. and Aydin, M. (2021). Investigation of the Problematic Behaviors of Preschool Students Studying in Public and Private Schools . International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(2), pp. 1-16.

Chicago 16th edition
Kirkic, Kamil Arif and Merve Aydin (2021). "Investigation of the Problematic Behaviors of Preschool Students Studying in Public and Private Schools ". International Journal of Progressive Education 17 (2):1-16. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2021.332.1.

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