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International Journal of Progressive Education 2015, Vol. 11(3) 153-161

Investigation of the Motivation Level of Teachers Working at State Schools in Relation to Some Variables

Süleyman Can

pp. 153 - 161

Publish Date: October 15, 2015  |   Number of Views: 413  |  Number of Download: 702


In order to give the best and accurate orientation to teachers working in school organizations, it seems to be necessary to determine their motivation level. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to determine the motivation level of teachers working in state elementary and secondary schools. Moreover, the study also looks at the relationships between motivation level of teachers and type of the school, the number students in the class, length of service and job satisfaction. The universe of the present study conducted according to descriptive survey model consists of 1310 teachers working in  76 elementary and secondary schools in Menteşe district of the city of Muğla and the sampling is comprised of 398 teachers randomly selected from among the universe. The data collection instrument of the study has two parts, personal information form and teacher motivation scale. In order to determine the factors motivating teachers, “Teacher Motivation Scale” was developed on the basis of “Workers’ Job Satisfaction Evaluation Scale” developed by Gülten İncir (1990), a literature review and expert opinions The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be 0.834. The findings of the study revealed that the motivation level of the teachers working at state schools is high in general. It was also found that the teachers’ motivation levels do not vary significantly depending  on type of the school, the number of students in the class and length of service but vary significantly according to job satisfaction.

Keywords: teacher, motivation, school, state school

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APA 7th edition
Can, S. (2015). Investigation of the Motivation Level of Teachers Working at State Schools in Relation to Some Variables. International Journal of Progressive Education, 11(3), 153-161.

Can, S. (2015). Investigation of the Motivation Level of Teachers Working at State Schools in Relation to Some Variables. International Journal of Progressive Education, 11(3), pp. 153-161.

Chicago 16th edition
Can, Suleyman (2015). "Investigation of the Motivation Level of Teachers Working at State Schools in Relation to Some Variables". International Journal of Progressive Education 11 (3):153-161.

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